I just checked my ohter game. I have 8 of the 72 nectars I need. I could play a mini for the 8, but I would still need the 9 nectar mini game to complete the quest. Otherwise I can wait and save up 2 more and I can give the 10 of them to Ria, completing a quest. Such momentus decisions the Steward of the Kingdom has to make!
You will get showered with nectars during the Leodici quests when you really want those goblin worms. I have to 'find' reigning stars. Got plenty of them while searching form the worms. I also need traveller's compasses.
I'll be so haapy when these timed quests are over and I can work on the other 30 or so quests I have sitting around.
I bought 2 nectars and gave the 10 to Ria. That gave me an acheivement for completing quests, which gave me enough crystals to buy Peggycorn. So I managed to get it in all 3 games using crystals on hand. Anyway, giving Ria her flowers triggered another quest, Now I need to play the nectar minigames requiring 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 resources That's 98 nectar dews
I need Level 46 to open the HO that has the 2 honeypots I need to complete the collections and I'm only Level 43
. I really have a problem with how they designed these quests. Kinda the only reason I'm still playing is because of Tirama's Steward's Diary.
Part of the problem is that you get some of the quests way before the areas are open. Maybe to entice you to buy crystals.
And if you started after the game was released, you get some of the newly added quests before you get quests that the oldtimers have already completed. I'd doing the Leodici quests, but I haven't hit those quests with the artist Mychael or whatever his name was. On my PC I haven't downloaded the latest update, I'm not in a hurry to get to Gizmotek, I'm still trying to find all those door orbs.
I do like the fact that the special quest series are available to everybody regardless of when you start playing the game. Too bad it wasn't that way in ART.
The game where I need all the nectars now is my oldest game, I think. I've already finished Yura and Leodici. I just quit it for a long time cause I need all those nectars. I never have much money, and the dews cost $400 each so that's almost $40,000 to buy them. Guess I'll have to work on getting that area oopen, Druid's Hut I think it is. It's 98 crystals to open it, I spent all mine on Peggy.
I just play the quests when I get energy. If I need resources, I play the HO scenes. I rarely upgrade anything unless asked to, and I'm surprised at how many coins have built up in my PC game just from the daily bonus. I really burnt out on MC a while back, and now that I've adopted an "I'll get there when I get there" attitude, I'm enjoying the games more.
One of the benefits of starting after the game was released is I doubt I'll run out of quests. I usually don't fret about how long it takes to get something, except on those timed quests.
On my iPad, as long as I get enough done to move my story along, I'm happy.
The serial quests requiring multiples of the same resource (nectar dews, pink moonflowers, whatever) have been a big complaint of mine since the very first ones popped up. I keep telling Boomzap and post in AK forums on BFG. The last response I got was that the quests for coruscating dust (in Gizmotek) was a programming error. I still haven't D/L'd the Gizmotek updates. I'm scared of losing all my gold trophies and I'm trying to build up some bolgins. It's a grind playing Fungus Hut but I do have 600 sandwiches, can start building bolgins and I'm closing in on the coruscating dust.
Unless they change the game so that when you're doing a quest, you are guarenteed to get the item (a la MC), they really shouldn't ask for multiples, certainly not the 5-15 that some of the quests are calling for.
I'm keeping track of how much energy it takes me to 'find' the six items for the latest Leodici quest. If I was playing this on my PC, I'd be screwed because I can't shut the game down due to the bug that makes the quest disappear and you lose credit for what you've already found.
I've played Black Bull 5 times (costing 48 energy the first and 62 the other visits) and have ZERO compasses. Played Rosetum Gardens once (84), no reigning stars, and Glitterstone 3 times (40, 40, 48) to get the two bevel gears.
So that makes 508 energy, and I'm only 1/3 done. The quest with the worms probably took me over 2,000 energy, and I had the same thing with those fairy dresses in the Yura quests.
So what idiot decided that being this frustrated was what players really want and enjoy? I can't wait until this "special" event is over and I can pick and chose what quests to work on.
Played Black Bull 9 times before I got a compass. I still need 1 more compass and I've already used 1,070 energy on this quest. If Event 23 is a find rather than a give, I'm toast. Even as a give quest, if I didn't already have what's needed in my inventory, I'd be toast.
I like your suggestion about keeping track of how much energy quests require -- especially FIND quests. Maybe if we can give Boomzap numbers they'll make changes. I know people were whining about quests being done too quickly but these large numbers for FIND quests turn the game into a grind.