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September 10, 2014 10:28 am  #721

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I got my daily reward today this morning.  Sept 10th.

i ♥ nirvana

September 10, 2014 7:38 pm  #722

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I just got the first day of a new week, day 8something, but I don't remember getting a present yesterday for finishing the week.
I have 124 crystals, I need 145 to buy the Pegahorn. 
15 crystals...Complete 200 quests, I have 196, it's within sight
02 crystals...10 Castle upgrades.  Does the road and lamps request count as 2?  I'm on it!
03 Crystals...Buy food 10 times.  I've bought 1 but a few trips to the Fungus Hut and I can afford it.
01 crystal...Buy special consumable.  Keepsake.  Think those things cost crystals...but look!
10 crystals....35 trophys in map scenes.  I have 33. 

So completing 4 more quests and getting 2 more trophies in map scenes should give me enough crystals to buy an injured Pegahorn.  And you gals spent 69 cents   Just throwing your pennies around like there's a money tree in your backyard

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 10, 2014 7:52 pm  #723

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Oh joy, I have my Pegahorn.  I went to Ancient Pond to complete a quest and that put me at 14/15 trophies so I just needed one more visit there, and I fulfilled a quest and a trophy!  Had to go to Gobholme for the first time, that fulfilled a quest and got me a trophy, too, so there was 10 of my crystals.  Scrolled through my list, found a quest I hadn't accepted the reward for so there was quest 199, scrolled a bit farther and Captain Gregg wanted me to talk to a few people, mission accomplished, 15 more crystals and it was off to the pet store.  I'm soooo happy

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 10, 2014 7:55 pm  #724

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Hey, I don't see a horn  And I tried to put the festival stuff on it and it told me a weak Pegahorn can't wear accessories

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 10, 2014 8:06 pm  #725

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I have 141 crystals in my Berengaria iPad game.  I'm not going to rush to get pegacorn, hoping iPad people will get a chance at a sale.  Besides,  B is finishing up the Yura Festival and would like some time with her husband before she starts fretting about injured pegacorns.

I've got 33 quests plus the last Yura festival quest.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

September 10, 2014 10:15 pm  #726

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

So I finally got everything timed right, my time, my experience level, etc. and did a half hour at the Hut using a double money coin.  I spent all my extra money on tiles before I started and I got up to 40,000 and I still had 40 tiles left.  So I goes shoppin'.  Captain Greg had wanted those lights and something else, where's that quest?  For some reason he's not there anymore  So I go up to the castle to see if I'd already bought that stuff.  I hadn't bought the Festival Lights yet... so where the heck did the quest disappear to  I figured I'd buy the lights, they only took some building material.   I can't quite remember the other part of it, I had thought it was a road but none of the roads stood out to me.  So I'm looking through upgrades trying to jog my memory, and I accidentally bought the Cerulean Centerpiece or something like that  When I went to look at my money I was down to 7,000  All that hard work for nothing  Well, not nothing, I got some stupid centerpiece to look at.  I can't remember what I had done before that, just that I'd given 2400,  I was going to start all these building upgrades and now I'm practically penniless.  Just when I'd gotten my new pet and was all excited.  Now I feel like quitting I'm so disgusted.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 10, 2014 10:38 pm  #727

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Wendy, you could always start over.  The Festival Lights took more than building supplies.  The quest was for the lights and the statues of Yura.  Together, the two items cost 25,000 bolgins.

There's a regular quest from Captain Greg very early in the game where he wants the basic lights and road.  Perhaps those don't cost bolgins?

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

September 11, 2014 2:22 pm  #728

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I must have bought the Yura statue that cost so much money.  That's okay, then, it was a task and it's completed now.  I finally found the quest on my list.  The only other realllly expensive thing on my list right now is orchard level 4 and that can wait for quite awhile, although IIRC it does open up some new tasks, but I've plenty to keep me going for awhile.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

September 11, 2014 3:55 pm  #729

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I did get my day 8 reward but I still don't think I got the day 7 daily reward.  That's okay.  I'm trying to decide if I want to D/L the "new" update that so many people had so many problems with.  I'm almost at the point where I can get the 28 crystals for having all the trophies and I'd hate to have that messed up.  Besides I'm trying to build up my sandwiches.  I hear the new quests are pretty labor (ie energy) intensive.


September 12, 2014 7:28 am  #730

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I don't think I got anything special for the 7th day, but I got Moonfell Soup for the start of the new week  It's like I got paid on the 8th day instead of 7t;h.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

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