Finish Your Games Challenge

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August 15, 2014 2:44 pm  #661

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

In my old game I used up all my energy but I now have 4 Brave Goblin books, only one more to go.  Now I need 10 Owl Sage feather but at least they seem to drop easily, probably because there's not many collictables in there.  They're in Dawnhope Cavern, which I hate.  And it costs 114 energy to go in there.  It will be awhile before I finish this quest.  I think I have at least 3, maybe 4.  I hate how I don't have tons of mac and cheese like in ART.  Food and energy are so hard to come by in AK.  Maybe I could get some pizzas delivered from Beechwood Cove  It's been a long time since we've had a food or resource sale in either game, seems like.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 15, 2014 6:09 pm  #662

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Wendy -- Yeah.  AK seems sooo hard to build up energy tanks and get food compared to ART.  I have a ton of food in ART (which I don't need).  I finally scraped together 200 crystals and bought 2 of those fungus soups that increase your total energy by 100 and refill your total energy.  After all this time playing, and using those 2 soups (and every other reward that increases it), my energy tank is 1165.  I shyed away from buying stuff that gave you a total energy refill because my tank was so small.  I lived on those sandwiches.  You're right.  It has been a long time since we've had a food sale.  I do play the fungus hut 1st minigame (with all gold trophies) at least 10 minutes a day to get some bolgins to buy sandwiches.

Last edited by lilyr (August 15, 2014 6:11 pm)


August 16, 2014 12:25 am  #663

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Sometimes I think I'm going cross-eyed playing the Fungus Hut and I almost feel sick to my stomach, and then when I go to bed I play golf solitaire on my tablet, how goofy is that?  If you knew you were going to like one of these type games and knew you'd be playing long term it wouldn't be too bad to spend some real money on items that increase your energy right from the get go.  But it's fun to figure out how to 'beat' the game at it's own game, if you know what I mean.  And in ART is seems easier to be able to use keepsakes, in AK I don't ever seem to have enough of whatever to bother using them.  What good is extra experience or reduced energy costs for 30 minutes if you only have enough evergy to last you 15 minutes?  And there's no way I have enough resources to play a minigame for 30 minutes!  So ;my keepsakes just sit there because I feel I'll be wasting them if I use them.  But I'm really wasting them if I don't use them  I'm just such a tightwad, even with imaginary stuff

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 16, 2014 12:32 am  #664

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

Wendy, I'm the same. 

I wish AK had gifting so that we could earn food or even keepsakes.  If I knew there was a steady supply of them, I would use them even if for only 15 minutes.  But for now, they sit.  I don't even play the mini games unless I have a quest.  I'm too afraid that if I use up all the minin game resources, the next quest I get will need them and I'll have to play the HO's over and over and things won't drop.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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August 17, 2014 12:01 pm  #665

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I finally got enough Moon Fountain Tea Mix for Blessilda.  Still need 5 dried snowbulbs.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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August 17, 2014 1:41 pm  #666

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I finished a quest involving nectar dew.    Now I just need 10 more to give to Ria, then I have to play 3 more of her games taking 14, 15, and 16 nectar dews.  I have 4 dew left over so only 51 more to find.  When I get up 6 more I will give the 10 to her, then there will only be one more dew quest sitting there; it may take forever to fulfill but at least it will only be one quest.  I used a double coin keepsake and played the fungus hut, that at least got me up over 50,000 but I need 45,000 of it to upgrade a building to finish another quest.  At least I have the resources for that one once it's finished building.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 17, 2014 5:44 pm  #667

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

AK is frustrating at times!  I like the minigame that uses Nectar Dew but i cringe when I have to get it.  They seem to drop so rarely.  Usually I'll get one.  Occasionally I'll get 4 or 5.  I must confess that I bought a bunch to finish those minigames. 

The auction in AK is a joke.  The only things that have bids on them are pink moonflowers and water lilies.  Okay, a slight exaggeration but only a slight one.

I hoard stuff in the game too.  I've been burned by selling things and then needing them for quests.


August 18, 2014 9:21 pm  #668

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I got the dried snowbulb for Blessilda and now one of the goblins wants unicorn feathers to cure the mayor (I have enough of the other 2 things he's asking for).  I sure hope feathers are dropping at a decent rate.  The only other quest I have going in my PC game is collecting oodles of artifact boxes to play mini games.

I bought 5 scarlet moonflowers for 1 coin each at auction on my iPad game.  Bidding is hard using an iPad because of the on screen keyboard.  It really wouldn't be fair to have one auction used b both platforms, iPad users wouldn't stand a chance of bidding in the last closing seconds.

Need to decide where the story is going and write the diary.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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August 19, 2014 11:40 am  #669

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

I hate the AK auction, too.  There's no achievements for making collections so I don't understand why everything is so high priced, unless it's needed in a quest, of course.  Why would I pay $4000 for something to fill a collection that gives me $1500?  And a gazillion collections for money, stars, and building resources, I don't need those, I need mini-game resources.  I never have enough to just play a mini for fun.  I like the honey dew game, the blueprints, glass, and of course the nonogram one.  I hate the pet shop and the others that play like that, although they're better now that I turned the sound on.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

August 19, 2014 1:42 pm  #670

Re: Awakening Kingdoms

This is the second time I've had to play the centaur game, it says find only the centaurs on their way home.  I have no idea what it wants, last time I pressed hint, it highlighted one and the game was over.  Can anyone explain to me?  I just gave the fixed warhorn to the centaur at stone circle, there's huts and mountains around the outside.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

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