sunshinej -- Ooh! You got a good one! I never noticed that about HOS during quests. I'm a bit confused about the mechanics though. If you don't hit the "new" button how do you know what you need?
sunshinej - I had the same experience. Whatever you do, don't complete any of the mini games for the Leodici's quest unless you can finish all of them listed.
I did two mini games and had to wait for my energy to replenish to get enough resources to play the 3rd. When I started up the game, the quest button said 'new' and the 2 mini games I had completed were no longer checked off as done. I had to replay them (after playing the HO scene over and over to get the resources yet again.)
lilyr wrote:
sunshinej -- Ooh! You got a good one! I never noticed that about HOS during quests. I'm a bit confused about the mechanics though. If you don't hit the "new" button how do you know what you need?
Hi lilyr...It's the Leodici's quests that I was referring to. I would hit the Leodici's quest button to see what quest is next and write down what is needed and where to find it, exit out of game and go back in and the Leodici's quest would say new again. It really helped me get the Goblin Herringbones fast since I needed all 10 of them. It is not perfect because now I just need 2 Goblin Worms at Rosetum Gardens and played 3 times and alas no Goblin Worm.
Tirama...That is a excellent tip. Thank you for mentioning that.
Last edited by sunshinej (May 30, 2014 7:19 am)
My gift was yet another bundle of mini game resources. That makes 3.
I've managed to get enough glass shards to finish two mini games at Chumblepots. Also played Sacred Grove enough to get 3 trophies and find a relic. Don't remember how many times I played that HO, but only received 1 unicorn feather while doing it. So my total in unicorn feathers is 3, and I still need 5 more to heal the pegacorn.
I totaled up what I need to complete my open quests:
13 glass shards
36 fairy glass
14 artifact boxes
14 tool boxes
3 portraits
18 pink moonflowers
5 unicorn feathers
I also need to give Ria 3,000 coins and have quests to upgrade 2 buildings to level 4 and 1 building to level 5. Two other buildings have to be upgraded to level 5 in order to play the mini games to satisfy quests. And two quests require me to earn 4 trophies in specific HO scenes.
I think I'll work on getting glass shards tonight and maybe break down and upgrade one of the buildings to level 4. I have about 60,000-65,000 in coins and I think level 4 requires between 19,000 and 20,000.
Tirama -- I am soooo envious. I wish I had quests to do. I just keep playing through the HOS in order until I use up my energy. I only have one or two Achievements that are even vaguely doable but they require a LOT of crystals so I'm passing.
I just started playing Awakening Kingdoms. It seems fun so far. I figured I would share my friend code. Sorry if this isn't hte right place for it. 2128 4492. Not sure if the space is important. I'm currently on level 5. How many levels are there now?
misscatlady2453 wrote:
I just started playing Awakening Kingdoms. It seems fun so far. I figured I would share my friend code. Sorry if this isn't hte right place for it. 2128 4492. Not sure if the space is important. I'm currently on level 5. How many levels are there now?
Levels are only loosely indicative of how much you have played. If money was no object, you could buy oodles of diamonds and use them to buy oodles of mini game resources and play mini games to level up to level 100 and still have 100+ quests to complete.
I'll send you a friend request when I open my game. Right now having friends doesn't do anything but eventually we are supposed to be able to gift.
misscatlady. I love this game! I'll send a friend request when I get into the game. My name in the game is anneclaire.
Okay. Thanks TiramaSue and lilyr. So instead of new levels we get new quests? Is that how these games work? I've never really played free to play games much before. I also downloaded Midnight Castle.
In AK, you level up by gaining experience points which can be earned by completing quests, playing HO scenes and playing mini games.
In MC, you level up by earning experience points and these points can only be earned by completing regular quests (daily quests, which you will receive once you reach level 10, earn you coins, inventory items, and pet medallions). So in MC, you level is much more indicative of how far you've progressed in the game.
Another difference between the two games is that quests are sequential in MC. You can only have one quest per character opened at any time. In AK, I've had 20 quests opened. New quests in AK are triggered by completing quests and/or leveling up.
There's a very good strategy guide posted in the BF forum for MC. I recommend checking it out.