I trashed Forest Legends, I seriously disliked this game for some reason.
I'm going to have to try Forest Legends after Natural Threat, just to see, lol. I liked the start of Threat, now it's getting a bit bogged down in the middle but not too bad, I think it's more that I got distracted with tear down, jumping and setting up again. I like the premise of the plants taking over the town, but since weed killer killed one of those plants, why don't we just head for the store and grab a bunch of it? And I don't get that part where you touch a plant and the room goes all woozy.
Almost through with Natural Threat 2 and I started Castle. Both these games have some seriously hard puzzles. I've skipped several of them. I wanted to do them but didn't want to invest the time. I wish they had a hint button that gave you the first move, they were pretty complicated. I thought Castle might be kinda logical but it's devolved into the typical HOPA no-logic. I go to a bar to ask about a suspect. He's gone into the bathroom and not come out. Barkeep gives me some handle for a trap door so I can go to the basement to get the restroom key. I had to find the two halves of a family crest (whose family? the bartender? the waitress?) to open the box the restroom key is in. I had to pull staples out of something to get one half of the crest. I'd found the stapler locked away in a drawer in the victim's apt. and for some reason felt the need to steal it and drag it around with me. If I'd wanted a stapler...sorry, it's a staple remover, I could have easily picked it up one of the times I was in my office instead of stealing it from a crime scene. I guess that's why good adventure games cost $40 and not $6.99, lol. It costs a lot of money to program logic.
I've almost finished Castle, I've had enough of it. On to Forest Legends. I hope I like it better than you did, Oscar, because I just recently got it, lol.
Finished Forest Legends. Meh.
47. Tiger Eye - Part 1: Curse of the Riddle Box (5/29/10)
48. Deadtime Stories (5/29/2010)
49. Secret Mission: The Forgotten Island (5/29/2010)
Last edited by teeitup46ok (August 1, 2015 10:06 am)
tee -- I have and have actually played all three! Loved, loved, loved TIGER EYE. It has some (if I remember correctly) challenging puzzles. Great story and graphics and lots to do. DEADTIME STORIES was gorgeous and had a good story. I think a lot of people were hoping for a 2nd but it never happened. I can't remember a thing about the 3rd.
question to self: If I have played all these games why do I have tons still unplayed?
Loved, loved, loved Tiger Eye, or I did at the time,anyway. For some reason I didn't care for Deadtime Stories, but lots of others did. I have a Secret Mission but it's about Mata Hari and I think I played it.
So why do I still have tons of games unplayed?