We must belong to the same club, procrastination is my middle name!
Did my invoicing, played a little more. I love the little details they have put in this case. In the pawn shop there is a lit lamp with a moth circling it. The cry of the seagulls is perfect and I don't find it annoying at all. So many little things caught my eye when I backtracked to see if I had missed a parrot. I actually thought they were morphing objects versus something that just appears suddenly.
barregar wrote:
I tried today's M3, Call of the Ages by Playrix, and I really like it. You go through 8 different time zones in 8 different countries. I like the colorful icons and they change with each different country. This time there is a relaxed mode unlike their previous Call of Atlantis games. The game also has achievements and they didn't have achievements in their previous games but I can't remember for's been so long since I played the Atlantis series I am definitely getting it next month since I have already completed my Oct. card.
On the Playrix site they have the Collector's Edition, it says 60 more levels, plus wallpapers and soundtrack. Maybe I'll wait and see if they have a sale on it. I've gotten their CEs from between $2.99 and 4.99 through their newsletter. I really like a lot of Playrix's games.
Thanks for the tip Wendy. I thought of getting that game with a pcc so it's free....rather than getting it from the Playrix site and paying cash for it although it would be the CE....will think about it. They offered Farmscapes CE for free on that Game Giveaway website a few weeks' ago...I always forget to check that website and have missed some free games that I didn't have.
Barre, I tried Call of the Ages, and I like it too; will probably get on Monday with a pcc. The power-ups and game-play are similar to Path of Hercules; I presume it will also get a lot harder later. Of course, I woudn't buy it without a relaxed mode.
In Zombie Solitaire, I'm on the boat, heading to the island and presumed safety. The game has suddenly gotten a lot harder; all those points I've so blithely accumulated are dwindling.
Still addicted to the Singing Monsters; still no cash spent.
Yikes! I think I'm getting all my HOG/puzzle needs satisfied looking for games you are talking about! First I couldn't find CURSE OF THE WEREWOLVES. Then oscar mentioned SIRENS CALL. I did manage to find that on my own. And of course I own it.
In ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE is there any way to get all gold except starting over with a new profile? I've tried to replay levels but haven't found our how. Oh great! Here I couldn't get out of the yard without help and now I'm reading that the game gets much much harder.
Sandhan, they just released an update for My Singing Monsters. There is an extra island and a bunch of new monsters. I have 4 islands open but the 4th one only has 3 monsters. I can't afford to upgrade the castle. Prices are crazy. Haven't spent any real money though.
I was doing ok on Zombie Solitaire but I am not as good as some of you . I started having a really hard time and I think I was only at the bridge. Of course I probably would have been doing ok but didn't like advancing unless I had all 3 stars.
Finished the main game of Enigmatis : The Mists of Ravenwood. Really liked it but it does have a lot of demonic references and stuff like that so may not be for everyone. Still have to play the bonus level.
I tried playing Zombie Solitaire but with only getting so few cards in your hand to play with. I was having super trouble sometimes getting two stars let alone three. So I gave up on that one. Luckily I found out during the trial of the game that it just wasn't for me.
iwin is having a 50% off sale on Alawar games.
I finished The Curse of the Werewolves. I found out where grandma was hiding at. This game is more HO heavy and just a few puzzles. One time I had 16 items in my inventory and was scratching my head wondering what to do. The hint button works just in the HO scenes and I found out that there is a map telling you what needs to be done. I used it a few times. Actually this one was a very nice game.
After reading what some people have posted, I am very excited to try Nevertales The Beauty Within.
Sorry Lily about shortening up that title, I was following a train of posts and off in my only little world.
I'll have to demo The Curse of the Werewolves. It's not even in my demo portion for some reason.
Royal Envoy 3 is definitely easier than the first one. I haven't played the second yet. I've only been stuck a couple times and I figured it out pretty quick. I want to be stymied I'm having fun anyway