Finish Your Games Challenge

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October 21, 2013 11:33 pm  #951

Re: Finish your games challenge

Thank you Wendy.  I kept going back in this thread but couldn't find the post!

Me too oscar.  Actually there had been a BOGOF sale no more than a week before and I'd bought a lot of games.  I saw another sale "1/2 off" and just decided to skip i since I'd purchased so many games already.  I didn't read that the 1/2 off was on GCCs.


October 22, 2013 1:08 am  #952

Re: Finish your games challenge

I bought  Spooky Bonus,  and like it a lot;  very relaxing,  and you get stuff for your house--just outside,  so far.  Also was seduced by the twin allure of half-price and  Bonus Punch Monday,  so got both the  Clumsy's  games.  I may be sorry,  as items are very hard to find,  but at least there's a sensible premise,  as opposed to most traditional hog's.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

October 22, 2013 3:02 am  #953

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have finished Zombie Solitaire, Dark Cases: The Blood Ruby CE and Questerium: Sinister Trinity.
Zombie Solitaire, You who have it: the final cut-scene is very funny, it made me LOL...
Dark Cases was very good, a good story, it kept me immersed the whole time, the puzzles were sometimes hard but doable.
Questerium was also good. I missed two achievements. One was for not getting all the money and I guess that I missed some in a Ho-scene somewhere because I found all the secrets. The second made me grumpy, it was for not skip any puzzle. And I DID do all of them, some were devilishly hard but I really was determined to do them

Now I ´m playing Haunted Hotel: Eclipse CE, it´s rather boring  but I play it in small pieces


October 22, 2013 3:16 am  #954

Re: Finish your games challenge

Megwoman mentioned a few pages ago that she felt that BFG lost their heart with CCC gone, I feel that way too. And here in Europe we have noticed the lack of the missing Cork CS. Here in Sweden we have no translated games anymore, they only release the same CE:s a couple of days later. I also noticed (I think it was last week ) that it was the same game released on all the European sites one day!
What´s the meaning of having the sites then?
Sometimes  it´s nice to play a Swedish game with my daughter (she´s eleven years old) even though she´s very good at English.


October 22, 2013 3:17 pm  #955

Re: Finish your games challenge

Im enjoying Royal Envoy 3 but I feel it is quite a bit easier than the first one.  I remember redoing a level over and over and over again before I would ever look at the walkthru.  A lot of levels were quite tricky, requiring you to demolish buildings to get the needed materials.  This one hasn't been tricky at all.  I have the second one but I haven't played it yet.  I figured I would go right at this one because I downloaded it onto hubby's computer.  I need to get it transferred to my external so I can play it on either one.  I have Farm Up going on the laptop.  I finally got a few requests done so I have some new ones now, although I still have about 50 cabbage pies to make.

Hondo's gone now, too.  I just don't understand what's up with that company  I adored them and was pretty darn loyal and now it seems like almost everything they promised us has turned out to be a lie.  CE's aren't special, Live Chat is gone, they go from new forums to no forums, FTPs are being offered as TGTs, all we get is some kind of sale every day and to be honest, I don't want a sale every day.  Sales should be special.  How are the people with no self control supposed to subsidize me if the sales are so frequent they can wait for them?

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

October 22, 2013 3:52 pm  #956

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hondo is gone?  How come?  Was he made the scapegoat, maybe? 

I still post my reviews at BF, but does anyone read reviews for games months sometimes even years old is anyone guess.  I just can't d/l the TGT and do a review on it as much as I would like to.  My mornings are for playing my games I already have and I only have 1 hour to do so,  before I get ready for work.  I hate to see the game forums so empty and forlorn.

Still doing Curse of the Werewolves.  Not a bad game, granddaughter is on the lookout for grandma.  Where did grandma go?  Maybe the big bad wolf has her.  Don't know yet.  It has plenty of HO scenes and they made the inside of the house look dusty.  Looks like dust flying everywhere.  Funny graphics.

i ♥ nirvana

October 22, 2013 5:49 pm  #957

Re: Finish your games challenge

I really won't miss Hondo.  He always had some reason (usually lame) why he couldn't post the week's previews.  When Paul and Mudrock were doing it they kept pretty much on schedule (and don't try telling me Hondo is busier then they are).  There was a link on another forum to a profile of Josh (Hondo).  He certainly has done a lot of bouncing from job to job.

Wendy -- Do I need the CE of THE BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE?  I've played the SE for about 20 minutes and I think I'm okay.  I just need to get the keys.  I've got the necklace so it should be simple.  There's no WT that I can find anywhere.  If the game gets a lot harder then I will definitely need the CE (for the Strategy Guide).  Of the 14 Gogii games I had listed this is the only one I want.  Ummm... remember I'm the person who couldn't get out of the yard in ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE!

sandhan -- I've played both the CLUMSYS.  I liked he 1st one better but they were both pretty good.

sunshinej -- Does CURSE OF THE WEREWOLVES have another part to its title?  I didn't see it listed in BFG's HO list.


October 22, 2013 6:23 pm  #958

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Beanstalk today. Plus the bonus chapter. Not a bad game, a bit short though it seemed. The game play was quite different then anything I've ever played before. Still up in the air on whether or not I liked it. You have a lot of "quests" so to speak and you have to find many pieces to each one before you can move on. You see many of these pieces well before you need them but you can't take them until you activate the quest that requires them. It's quite weird.

Trying to finish up the main game for Flights of Fancy: Two Doves CE. Will try and finish it tonight.


October 22, 2013 6:33 pm  #959

Re: Finish your games challenge

Why assume Hondo was let go?  Maybe it was his choice.  Either way, it would be very unprofessional for either Hondo or BF to post te details on a BF site.

As for BF breaking "promises", I never, ever, remember anybody from BF using the word promise in regards to anything.  The first CE was released in Nov 2004.  And AT THAT TIME, they were somewhat rare.  But that was 4 years ago, and 4 years is an eternity in the computer world.  For ever person who complains that BF "promised" that we wouldn't have lots of CE's, there's another person moaning that "Game X also has a CE version which is being sold on ABC site, how come BF isn't offering it to us?"

Too many sales?  Think back to 1.5-2 years ago.  Sales were usually once or twice a month and there were always people moaning that the sale wasn't at a good time of the month for them. 

And I don't think us stapped-for-cash people or lovers of bargains or just plain cheapskates have to worry.  We'll be subsidized by the people who pay $$$ for free-to-pay games because they want it NOW.  And we've been having sales every day since at least last October, but there's still people paying full price for CE's on Thursday because they just can't wait.

And sunshinej, I do check the reviews long after the game has been released for various reasons.  I don't understand the reasoning being given for people abandoning the game foums (and removing their old posts) because of the demise of CCC.  The people being hurt by it are the very people they claim to have been championing.  Paul Thelen certainly wasn't sitting there every morning reading them.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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October 22, 2013 7:18 pm  #960

Re: Finish your games challenge

Lily, I only had the SE, it ended all right.  I don't think you'll get stuck, it's pretty straightforward.  If you do, it will probably just be which direction to go.

Sorry Tirama, my post certainly seemed to has rubbed you the wrong way.  Guess I was being Whiney Wendy

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

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