Nightmares of the Deep Sirens Call is really good. And the guy helping you acyually does things rather than just stand around barking orders at you.
I'm waiting for DH to demo Spooky Bonus, and if he likes it, that will be the game I'll get to finish my card. That finishes my shopping for the month, unless there's a sale on GCC's.
Tirama, thank you for the comments on Siren's Call. I'm happy that I do have that CE and it's in my queue to play. I really have to stop posting all sorts of stuff like pictures because hunting for pictures takes up a lot of time. I'm going to be serious about playing my games now....everyone is finishing games except me.
I've finished only one HPOA, Rite of Passage: Child of the Forest CE. It is a good game, but I still have the bonus section to finish, which I plan to do tonight. Forget about that ND game, I'm still way behind and will do it slowly. No time to concentrate on that one.
I finished Solitaire Mystery: Four Seasons. It was fun while it lasted, and they also had a fortune telling room where you played a game and the cards you picked told your fortune.....different kinds. There was also a freeplay section. Right now I'm playing Zombie Solitaire, and Solitaire: Kingdom Quest which is the traditional kind of solitaire but with a quest. There is Quest mode and Daily challenge. It's not as easy as it looks, it gets very challenging as the levels progress, but I am enjoying it very much. It has lots of power-up bonus cards. The deck changes with each level.
Today I bought Spooky Bonus to finish off my punch card. I like this new M3, love the different icons. So far it's quite fun.
Last edited by barregar (October 21, 2013 7:48 pm)
I got Spooky Bonus about an hour ago to finish my card. Haven't received the e-mail with my pcc or the e-mail receipt yet. Anybody else have that problem?
I bought ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE and got the punches on my card and the confirmation email within the hour.
I was all enthused about the Gogii sale. I made up a list of 14 that I thought I might like. I already had two --oops! I read reviews and trialed some of the others and I'm down to 2 SEs that are maybes. I really should trial them too. I can always get them with PCCs.
Sorry about that, Tirama. I bought Spooky Bonus and got my punch card code almost immediately in my email box. Perhaps the hold up is with your email server.
The problem wasn't with my ISP, it was my DH messing with the e-mail settings and directing the e-mail to HIS computer. (That explains why I didn't get my Daily Game Splash today) He's been fin-slapped.
Finished Nightmares of the Deep Sirens Call.
Going to play some Jigsaws Galore and/or Sudoku Latin Squares the rest of the evening. Tomorrow I'll start Jane Austen's: Estate of Affairs.
Glad you got your email straightened out Tirama. I'm still on the fence about JANE AUSTEN.
The only game on my list for Gogii is BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE. I know someone talked about this recently but I can't find it.
At the rate I'm going I don't know if I'll ever finish another game. I've been playing the 1st CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN forever and I'm only about 1/2 finished. I can't do more than 2 boards at a time because the items are soooo tiny. Even when I look at the WT I can only find the fairy about 1/3 iof the time. Almost nothing is in the same spot in the WT and my game. Oh well...
lilyr wrote:
Glad you got your email straightened out Tirama. I'm still on the fence about JANE AUSTEN.
The only game on my list for Gogii is BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE. I know someone talked about this recently but I can't find it.
It was me, here's my post...
Finished Beast of Lycan Isle. The easy mode was stupidly easy. There were lots and lots of scenes with only one thing in them, there were even a few scenes that had absolutely nothing to do in them. I like games with lots of stuff in each room. The puzzles were mostly insultingly easy, too, but there were a couple harder ones. I'd give it a "C" at best, but the scene changes were very quick and my machine handled the graphics well, so that's a plus
The hard mode was pretty hard, don't know it that's a plus for you or not. At least I finished it.
I'm still playing Farm Up and Royal Envoy 3. I get all happy when I hear the music from RE3, it puts me in such a good mood.
I finished Strange Discoveries Aurora Peak CE, and it was a pleasant game. Nothing earthshattering going on. I appreciated the graphics and the storyline was ok it could have been more fleshed out imo. Puzzles there were a lot but they were fairly standard and some were quite simple. Nothing new there. There was some backtracking bit it had a good jump map and it did let you know where tasks were available. There were morphs, which to be honest I forgot about so I missed 3 and thus missed that achievement. I'd recommend it for a nice relaxing game, it took me about 3.5 hours bonus included, so it was a little short by my standards anyways.
Definitely going with the new Nightmare of the Deep next. I'm off to bed to read for a bit. (ot I'd recommend any book by Chevy Stevens, she writes a good thriller)
and my game totals for this month are 16!!!purchased I can not believe that and 7 done. So no more buying for me this month. Unless as Tirama says a GCC sale. I don't know where I was when they had that sale originally, head under a rock somewhere? Because I never saw it.
Last edited by oscar66 (October 21, 2013 11:21 pm)