Hi. Yikes! I don't know if I'll get back here. Fortunately I hadn't cleared my history so I just scrolled down. I'm replaying NORTHERN TALE to get more awards. There is one that isn't mentioned in the Game Forum but people have said they got them all. I started a Hidden Mysteries but decided I wanted an easier game so went to BCA: TOKYO. Can anyone recommend a game like ARIZONA ROSE? I have WORLD RIDDLES and WORLD MOSAICS but they are much harder -- no power-ups.
I'm reqally frazzled by this whole Forums thing -- for many reasons. Hope everyone is okay. Hope to see you again (if I can figure out how to get back here!) When I typed I basically got sent to BFG forums or uk sites.
Lily, have you tried Asian Riddles. I don't know how hard it gets. I have it on my maybe list
Thanks for the congrats, Barregar.
TiramaSue wrote:
It will be interesting to see if BF has a half-price credit sale to:
1) raise extra $$$$ to pay their legal eagles
2) attempt to appease their customer base
From your lips to God's ears. Not that I'd wish lawsuits on anyone, but I would love a 1/2 price credit sale. It's been too long. Yeah, like I need more games...LOL
teeitup46ok wrote:
Any wonder why BFG was so willing to jettison their loyal PC customer base?
I may be incredibly naive (I've been accused of it before), but I don't see BFG jettisoning their PC customers. I think people are taking the closing of CCC way too personally, I really don't think it was anything to do with us. I do have a habit of taking things at face value, though. But after watching the outbreak of nastiness that happened Mon/Tues, and the vitriol spewed by many of the so-called "loyal" members wishing bankruptcy on them and promising a smear campaign of epic proportions, I can hardly blame them if they did decide it wasn't worth the hassle anymore.
As for the gaming aspect, yes, they've done some retooling to appeal to mobile gamers, but I don't see us PC gamers being pushed aside. We just have to learn to share. I, personally, don't play games on anything other than my computer, but I know many that do, and BFG would be foolish not to try and capitalize on that.
Hi Noelle, I agree, some of the people were so nasty, I think I heard something about nasty things being posted on BF facebook page and now some people are banned etc...I don't know what was said because I don't have FB. By the way, if you have any suggestions for group play, pls let us know, okay? It will be fun to play a game together, perhaps a LF game.
Tirama, I wanted to ask you, how come we cannot PM each other here? I have been to the other thread started by Gov, in the same boardhost, and under each person's member name, there is a word Private Message, but I don't see it here?
Thanks govols.
barregar -- not sure I'd want to play another Scrooge game after the "twisted" one we had.
I can't get to other threads that were moved. I've sent an email to someone about one. I won't do FB. Didn't when Faunasphere tanked, didn't when GLITCH tanked.
Therte certainly were some rather nasty things posted. But some very loyal fishies were very hurt by the 24 hour notice.
Hope everyone is doing okay.
TiramaSue wrote:
I know many people only posted to CCC and possibly would have preferred that BF dump the game forums instead, but that wasn't how things turned out.
I'm glad they kept the game forums, because I do use them, and quite often. I don't post in them, of course, since most of the games I play are older and I probably wouldn't have gotten a response, but if I had questions, someone had usually asked it at some point. And I liked going there after I finished a game to see if the same things that annoyed me annoyed other people. I hope they put the link to the forums back on the GM after the "maintenance" is done.
And at this point, I'm going to quit quoting, because if you can quote more than one post, I can't figure out how, and I don't want a full page of posts by me.
My biggest problem with the GM (I refuse to call it a "game app"...I have no use for apps on my laptop) is that I can't download games from the website if I have it open. I have to close it, start the download, and let the download open it. Kind of a pain.
I agree with Govols2 and Lilyr that that short notice pretty much sucked. It felt like just pouring salt in the wound, and I really felt bad for those who didn't have time to save the things that were important to them. But then I think of a whole week or so of the sniping, and I just shudder.
Lilyr, have you tried Gemsweeper? It was my first game like that, and still my favorite. Not sure if BFG has it, though, since I got it from Real Arcade, back in the days when there was a Real Arcade.
Barregar, I don't know about the FB stuff. I have an account, but rarely go on there, for so many reasons. But it wouldn't surprise me if people got banned. I'll have a think about a group play game. I do enjoy the LF games, even though I can rarely get through one without a walkthrough. I've heard Siberia is good (the original, not the chopped up one). I have it and haven't played it yet. I also have a link to the original version on BF if anyone wants it.
Last edited by Noelle (August 14, 2013 9:32 pm)
barregar wrote:
Charles Dickens: A Christmas Carol (Elephant Games)
This didn't look like a CE because there were no collectibles/achievements/strategy guide, unless they don't put them in their betas. Music and graphics similar to their last Christmas game, Nutcracker. Story is of course about Scrooge. You have a helper (tiny Scrooge). I have to say I was not overly impressed. I might just get the SE, will have to see.
I'll look forward to this one, if it's anything like Nutcracker, which I really enjoyed.
I just finished Caribbean Hideaway for the 21st time!! I tend to go to games like that when I'm upset. Simple but very challenging.
..I must admit that the BFG CCC closing has bothered me more than I had thought it would.
barregar wrote:
Hi Noelle, I agree, some of the people were so nasty, I think I heard something about nasty things being posted on BF facebook page and now some people are banned etc...I don't know what was said because I don't have FB. By the way, if you have any suggestions for group play, pls let us know, okay? It will be fun to play a game together, perhaps a LF game.
Tirama, I wanted to ask you, how come we cannot PM each other here? I have been to the other thread started by Gov, in the same boardhost, and under each person's member name, there is a word Private Message, but I don't see it here?
Maybe gov will stop by and tell me what options she turned on to makePrivate Message show up under each person's name. However, if you click on Inbox at he top of the page, you will be able to enter a member's name and PM them. I've already received 2 PM's, so I know it can be done. And if you can't remember the person's posting name, you can browse for it from that page.