I tried playing Campfire Legends The Babysitter from Gamehouse. I remember enjoying The Hookman, but this one has such tiny things to find that I had to give up. I only have a 15 inch screen and it's not nearly big enough!
Sorry you didn't fare too well this summer, wendy
I was on elephant games homepage just to see what they are working on...AND they are working on a new Christmas Stories-A Christmas Carol with scrooge and Im soo excited because the graphics looked stellar and it reminded me of how much I loved the nutcracker and yah Im excited. I also saw ERS is about to release a new game, not a sequel which quite amazed me. It looked pretty but it also looked really cutesy like I bet it has a lot of pets, not sure if its the same one you beta'd...I can't go back and I forgot who said that....short term memory loss right here
This week I finished
Burger Shop-although now Im doing all the relaxation levels and the challenges
European Mysteries-scent of desire CE-gave it 4 stars but it wasn't the best BLAM! games game I own thats for sure. I could only find 21 of 35 collectibles. they were small! and hard to find! made me wish I just bought the SE
Hidden Expedition -Amazon
I also want Zombie Solitaire!! It was so funny! Im trying to finish Kingdom Chronicles so I can finally delete it out of my manager. I don't care anymore about getting gold, Im over this game. NO clue what Im going to play next...but this sale sucks and I want a BOGOF CE sale! I have like 4 I want...not yesterdays though...not a fan of that one...
hope everyone is good. sorry this is sooo lengthy xxx
WendyDarling wrote:
I tried playing Campfire Legends The Babysitter from Gamehouse. I remember enjoying The Hookman, but this one has such tiny things to find that I had to give up. I only have a 15 inch screen and it's not nearly big enough!
I LOVED the hookman and couldn't stand the babysitter one. I never bought it but it just wasn't the same and it got really stupid as time went on. I felt like I was cheated out of what could have been a great game!
Meg, glad to know it's not just me I will finish it, albeit slowly. It was a double pack, so both games for $6.99. That's what got me to go to GameHouse in the first place. They have a third one out, forget what it's called. I have a double pack of "Delicious Emily" from them, too. Everyone raves about her but I couldn't really get into it, but she's on my "try it some more, you might learn to like it" list
I downloaded Zombie Solitaire since if was such a small file and I like it too. It's like a lot of other "golf" games, but I think I like it because of how responsive it is, I like how the cursor feels.
Just finishing my first pastry factory in Farm Up. Sounds like the game really goes downhill from here, all you do is grow wheat, process it into flour, and bake a gazillion cakes from now until the end of the game.
I have finished Death Pages: Ghost Library. It was rather fun, not great but good.
I really enjoy the reverted (?) HO scenes where you put things back.
Megwoman you reminded me of Kingdom Chronicles. I also got tired of it when I couldn´t get gold on all levels, maybe I should go back and try to finish it...
Wendy, I´m on level 41 on FarmUp. I have 2 of every factory and actually am really fed up of the flour making. I have 4 bakerys! If some of the baking requires too much flour I pay the 7 gold instead to finish it.
It´s rather important to upgrade the factories when you can. I didn´t do it in the beginning, instead I paid the gold for not doing the quests, but in the long run you gain on doing them (later when there´s more expensive quests you may have to pay 10 gold to have them finished).
I also enjoy Zombie Solitaire, it´s sort of addictive you can´t stop, just one more level...
Last edited by Anki (October 7, 2013 5:45 am)
I have now finished Where Angels Cry (swedish version) and I laughed when Wendy described it as "brown". It was very short, but I played it when it first came out so this was the second time.
It only took me 2 hours and 16 minutes.
But I like it and the music and background sounds are nice.
Hi everyone! I played (and am colling it finished) 100% HIDDEN OBJECTS. I really didn't like this game. First it was timed and then it had a lot of scenes that were in the dark and you only got to see what you would with a flashlight. I did what I could, didn't care if I got ANY stars and called it done.
I may have to try ZOMBIE SOLITAIRE! You all seem to think it's fun. Ooh! Another Christmas game from Elephant? Sounds intriguing.
Wendy -- so sorry you season was so bad. Hope DH gets that job.
I've started the 1st CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN. It's supposed to have a WT but the scenes are randomized (and so are the objects) so the WT doesn't help much. I do ok finding the hints and gems but I've only found 2 fairies. I'll keep on. At least the game does habve a relaxed mode and the music is pleasant.
I finished When Angels Cry. (Come to think of it, they never explained the weeping statue, did they?) I enjoyed it, though, I agree, the graphics could have been better, and more colorful Now I'm playing Surface Mystery of Another World. Wow! Also playing
Solitaire Mystery; it took some getting used to, but now, I like it more and more. It's a little light on instructions. Ignored the 2 fantastic weekend sales. Will probably get Zombie Solitaire today.
I guess BFG is not going to be doing the donation to Breast Cancer this October. I picked up a lot of DD's in the last 2 Octobers.
Wendy...I played both the Hookman and The Babysitter when I was just first started pc gaming. I found the Hookman was good and a little hard for me then and I didn't mind The Babysitter. I still haven't played the Third Act yet, I am still waiting for a good sale at Gamehouse to get it.
I'm going to play Mystery Trackers: Silent Hollow Collector's Edition next. Not getting anything today, I'll wait until next Monday to redeem my 2 expiring pcc's.