Just finished Antique Road Trip 2: Homecoming. Forgot how short it is. Probably my least favorite of the "decorating" games since it doesn't give you a choice of what to buy.
Going to replay Timeless: The Forgotten Town Collector's Edition, which should keep me busy Saturday and Sunday. Then Monday I'll look for 2 games to complete my punch card. Then Tuesday, it's Nancy Drew time.
I'm trying to play ANTIQUE ROAD TRIP FTP but not liking it very much. Since i don't intend to spend any RL money the play is very episodic. I'll give it a time or two more and then I'll probably give it up as a bad idea. (which I think it is)
I finished Fierce Tales Marcus' Memory. It was an enjoyable game. I got all the achievements except for the turtle one, I think I missed 3 of them. I did of course furnish my aquarium and dolphin with everything that seashells could buy and I found them all. The bonus was quite lengthy and I did find my attention waning in the end.
So this month I bought 5 games, 4 CE and 1 SE. The SE only because of an expiring coupon, I got Left in the Dark No One on Board even though I was less than satisfied with the beta. I'm hoping there was improvements. So like last month I am left with that hanging chad. Unless there is some great sale on Monday.
Oh and I have finished 5 (3CE 2SE), I doubt I will finish anything off between now and Tuesday, so this month was a wash.
Last edited by oscar66 (September 29, 2013 12:05 am)
I finished Nightmares of the Deep Siren's Call. Haven't decided what to play next.
I have finished Sable Maze: Norwich Caves CE. I regret buying it Luckily it was on a BOGO.I really liked it during the demo but then it went downhill, I just kept on playing wishing it was over. I started the bonusplay and after a few scenes I dexed it. I didn´t even like the wallpapers...
Now I probably start Awakening: The Sunhook Spire CE.
That sucks that you didn't like Sable Maze Anki. It is never any fun when a game goes down hill later in the game. I haven't gotten that game yet. I'm still on the fence about it.
I'm sorry too Anki. I just looked at my notes and have all good things written. for NORWICH CAVES. If we'd had a BOGO I probably would have bought it. Now I guess I'll wait and see if the SE has a walkthrough.
And why oh why are so many good series being farmed out to other DEVs?
I'm more than half way through my replay of Timeless: The Forgotten Town Collector's Edition. It hasn't improved with age and I doubt if I'll bother replaying the bonus chapter. No widescreen, no bells and whistles, the colors are very washed out/hazy looking, like everything is covered by a fine layer of dust.
I'm still playing Farm Up. It's pretty enjoyable and absolutely no need to spend any money. I don't understand how the devs make any money on these games, there must be a lot of people out there who aren't at all like me!
I cashed in 16 coins for 4 hrs unlimited energy Thursday. As you plant, water, weed, and harvest you occasionally get items for your collections. There's one collection that you can trade in for 3 gold coins. I read that you usually complete enough of that collection to make up for the coins you used, and that's what happened when I did it, so I came out ahead of the game. Then Friday morning, just before I was going to shut it down for awhile, I hit the 24 hr. unlimited energy by mistake!!!! I was still reeling from playing 4 hr staight at top speed the day before. There's two different screens you can buy energy from, on one the "7 jars for 5 energy" is on the far left, on the other the "24 hr. unlimited" is on the far left. I'm sure it's designed that way on purpose, to get people to hit the 24 by mistake. Even now, I still almost hit it a few times by accident. Anyway, I ended up playing until suppertime Friday, then I went out to work until 9, when it died down I came back home and started playing again. I had to stay up as late as I could to take advantage of it, and I woke up real early on Saturday to get play time in, but it sucked cause Saturday was a big day and I was running on very little sleep. Bringing in that money helps wake you up, though! This time I didn't get quite enough collections to recoup my investment, but it was close. If you start a new game, it costs 20 gold coins but you restart with any gold you have over that, and also all your silver coins that you get for selling crops and other things. If you decide to start over you can also sell almost everything on the farm, like fencing, animal pens, paths, stuff that you automatically have when you start the game, and you can cash all your collections in for silver and gold, too. I'd have a ton of stuff it I did that, I probably will right before I finish the game... oh wait, I'm gong home to hubby, I've got to cool it on the games front, bummer...
I need a game to play while I'm not playing Farm Up. It takes a long time to load so I don't like to exit it, so I need a non BFG game. I have a few from Amazon, Gamehouse, and Playrix, I'm thinking maybe a Mortimer Beckett or Mysteries of Treasure Island.
I have the SE version of the first Enigmatus. I hated it. I liked the story alright but there were way too many HOs for me and I hated them. There's no way I would play through the game again to get to the bonus chapter.
I finally finished CATE WEST: THE VANISHING FILES. I really enjoyed it! It's an old school HOG with a few twists. Cate has some paranormal abilities. There is a series of crimes through the long (15 chapters!) game. You first get junkpile HOs, then STD, then FROGs, then you use the clues to find the criminal and THEN use replace items in HOs to match them. It's not a game most of you would like but it's good for a beginner or someone who wants a game that they can play one or two scenes in between more involved iHOPAs.