Halfway through Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Collector's Edition and not loving it. It seems so simplistic compared to the second in the series The Black Cat. I think I'm done buyong ERS Games, especially if I have to use full-price credits.
I'm trying to decide between Hansel and Gretel or Chinese Healer to get as a part of the 50% Eipix sale. Though I may end up with both. We will see. I have until tonight to decide.
Haven't played much, though I did demo Sable Maze: Norwich Caves. Interesting game, though I'm not sure if I'll get it. Maybe if I need another game during a BOGO sale. Either that or as a SE with a PCC.
I looked back and I bought 16 games in August! Yikes! The good news: none were full Game Club price and a lot were free (PCCs).
I just bought the only EIPIX game I don't already have -- SEA OF LIES. I remember someone saying that some of the DEVs appear in the credits in an earlier game. Reviews say some of the DEVs are actors in this game. I remember 2 other games that had pics of the DEVs in the credits. One even had you playing a little game to get the pic to show. Can't remember what DEV. I doubt it was this one since i don't think I've played any of their games as yet.
I decided to go with RITA JAMES & the SEARCH FOR SHANGRILA. It's easy enough and it makes me laugh. Rita is so totally clueless! I'm surprised she isn't blond! I love Marbles the monkey.
TiramaSue wrote:
Halfway through Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Collector's Edition and not loving it. It seems so simplistic compared to the second in the series The Black Cat. I think I'm done buyong ERS Games, especially if I have to use full-price credits.
I felt the same when I played this although I got the SE. I felt like it was a waste of a pcc. I really liked the premature Burial...the 3rd one I believe. I was going to get their 50th game...sisterly love? but it had too many cutesy companion animals. I like helpers in some games but ERS gives you like 600 per game and makes you name them and bathe them and I've just found that although I liked ERS when they first started, I really don't like where they have continued to go. It really is quantity over quality. Eipix has released a lot of games lately but all of those have been REALLY good games. I just don't find ERS up to the same standard I used to.
I think I only have 1 more item to buy in Farmscapes and then I'll be done with farm ONE and can go on without the annoying adventure parts. I really don't like this game much but I feel compelled to at least finish the first farm.
I am now playing sally's salon as my TM and wow this game is soooo easy. Im on the 4th place and it hasn't gotten hard at all. I zipped through the first 3 places in an hour. Im having fun but its so easy compared to Wedding Salon or the zombie ones. Oh well.
I chose to get myths of the world-chinese healer as an SE with a pcc because all of the difficulty levels have sparkles and I felt like if none of them were sparkle free, then it wasn't worth it to me as a CE. just my opinion though.
Im feeling a little better today. Turns out it was just that time of the month. Chronic pain and that just don't mix
Last edited by megwoman25 (September 4, 2013 7:24 pm)
Glad you're feeling somewhat better megwoman and that you know why you feel bad.
I just finished DISCOVERY: A SEEK AND FIND ADVENTURE. That's a game I'll never play again. Crammed junkpile HOS, tiny objects, very blended items... I spent a lot of time reading my book waiting for the Hint to refill.
Oh dear, and I was doing so well! Then Eipix came along. I was so excited to see an actual SALE that I bought 2 CE's and an SE; would have gotten Chinese Healer, but already had it. I got Hansel & Gretel. Then , Barre, I tried Sea of Lies because you mentioned it, and had to have that too. I think I would have bought it for the voice acting alone. It's nice to find some IHOG's I can actually enjoy playing. Just finished re-playing Settlement Colossus, and sorry to see it end.
Finished main game of Dark Tales: Edgar Allan Poe's The Gold Bug Collector's Edition, will force myself to do Bonus chapter tomorrow morning.
Talk about a game that felt thrown together. There were only 4 music tracks, one of them was the same music fro Inpsector Parker, another one (or maybe two) were from the Maestro series.
Puzzles were easy, once you figured out that when they said click to rotate pieces, they really meant click to swap pieces. Long stretches of busy work where you ran back and forth finding this to open that to find this which goes in that, with no interaction with any of the characters. Very little story, and most of it was crammed into the final cut scene.
Hope the Red Death one is better.
I finished Reveries: Sisterly Love CE. I started playing the bonus chapter and then it froze on me. That made me so mad!!! Anyway, I won't bother contacting CS, I just dexed it. I didn't really enjoy it that matter what you say, to me all ERS games look the same and play the same...nothing new. I doubt if I will buy another ERS game again. There ae so many other devs. I prefer and Eipix is now becoming one of my favs.
I won't start a new HOPA but I'll wait until Sat. to play Green Moon. Oh, I tried Nearwood CE and I agree, it is beautiful. I will wait for a BOGO sale before getting it. Now I'll just continue with my new M3s....I am really enjoying The Snow....which is so different from Imperial Island. Both are fun.
lilyr wrote:
sunshinej -- How was CHRONICLES OF VIDA? I bought it for the snarky wereferret but am afraid to start it because there's no WT.
lilyr...I grew quite fond of Vida & Black (wereferret) and wouldn't mind going on another adventure with them. The easy mode has sparkles and the hard mode doesn't. You can switch between the two in the game. If you go the easy mode, you'll still find some head scratching moments. I can't tell you how the hint button is because I never used it. I didn't want to because it was a acheivement not to use it. Fortunately I was able to find help in the game forums when I got stuck. Most puzzles you have to figure out on your own. They were self evident on what you had to do. One I had no idea and had to skip. I asked for help on it in the game forum and didn't receive a answer. Vida & Black do get kind of chatty especially when you are trying to figure out a puzzle, but their accents are so charming I didn't mind it. The game is 5 chapters long and it had some funny moments in it. I enjoyed it.