oscar -- I had purchased NEARWOOD CE before i saw your comments. Some day I'll even play it!
I just dropped my fiance off at the airport. I didn't cry this time as I think this will be the last time he has to leave. All the visa stuff is done, he just needs to send his part in and wait for the sponsor form to be filled out from his mom and me and then he'll get an interview. Im thinking by the end of the year or a little after, he will be out here permanently. We had a really good time together. Glad I saw the forum was leaving before it was too late. We finally went ring shopping. I have a simple but elegant diamond ring now.
He was here to see me but also help me out with the dogs while my parents were on their alaskan cruise...Well...they made the news...boat broke down...something to do with the propeller but they got a full refund plus a free cruise and a free flight to denali state park to see the last leg of the trip...At least they weren't on one of those ones where the power goes out n so does the plumbing. haha
Im almost done with Wedding Salon, only one more town to go. I decided to play Farmscapes instead of cradle of egypt and I like it more than I did originally. Still can't stand the grandson though but I usually mute it and listen to music.
Glad we have a new forum to call home. BFG's site is so weird without Chit Chat impersonal...I really don't like it...Anyways hiiiiii everyone. Im backkkkkk
Hi Meg, good to see you again.
If you get a chance, can you try contacting Puzzled? I PM's her the url for here, before CCC closed down, and she answered me but seemed to be under the impression that I had her e-mail address. I don't, so if she's not checking her BFG PM's, I can't contact her.
MEG! Great to see you! I'm thinking that you must have had a good vist (? -- not the quite right word ) with your fiance. {{{HUGS}}}.
Well, that wasn't worth staying up for. We got what appears to be the standard lame holiday sale - 50% off retail price. And since its a 3 day weekend, we get to look at the sale banner an extra day.
I'll email puzz later today. Since its now 3:50am, maybe I should try to go to bed. I always have major issues sleeping after my fiance leaves.
This is a terrible sale. I hate how its advertised that its 50% off when in reality, its not a REAL 50% off. Last week I got the buy 1 CE get 1 for 1.99 deal because I just had to have the new Awakening and had been meaning to get rite of passage-children of the forest CE. Even though its slow on my computer, it works great on my mom's laptop so when Im down there next month, I will play it instead of watching boring tv shows before bed.
I started dark mysteries-the soul keeper SE. Normally I wouldn't like supernatural games like this but for some reason, this game appeals to me. Its pretty easy but its also fun. I have a feeling it might be kind of short though based on people's reactions to the CE. It had no extras or anything which is why I got the SE with a pcc. We've had a lot of SE hidden object games this week that weren't originally CEs which has been nice. I have a lot of demoing to do though as I didn't get around to it in the past couple weeks. Now time for bed...
Welcome back, meg and congrats on the engagement ~ so happy for you. Thank you BFG for saving me money this weekend. Now, I'll be able to use up some of my PCC's Monday since I got my issues sorted out on Friday with the missing bonus punches.
Got a new beta for Mind Snares: Alice's Journey! I noticed I had an email from BFG and it was relating to a server-side update that would affect my game DL's. I see where some were unable to DL due to an error and I also got that when I was trying to DL the beta. Turns out they made an update to the GM AGAIN and the BFG Casino is back. I uninstalled my GM due to the tech's request, same thing happened as before, and they gave me the option to go back to my previous GM. Hope this doesn't keep happening every time they update it.
Check this out ~
Last edited by teeitup46ok (August 31, 2013 7:31 am)
Welcome back, Meg! I take it he's gone now; bummer. I agree with you about the sale; you only get a couple of dollars off, and then only if you pay cash. I was hoping to get Nearwood and Snow to fill my card, but might just write off the 2 punches I already have. What to do: take advantage of this puny "sale," use up all my credits, or forget the whole thing?
I'm especially crabby because I was at least half-way through chapter 3 of Awakening: The Sunhook Spire Collector's Edition and I have to start over. In a stupid attempt to get all the achievements, I decided to play at the hardest of difficulty levels. And one of the mini games is being so picky at thigs meeting at a particular pixel tat I'm going to have to skip it, and of course I can't skip at the difficulty level I've chosen, which was a waste of time anyway because I haven't played chapters 1 or 2 quickly enough to earn those achievements. I can't recall another BoomZap game being so clicky-picky.
And no incentive to buy myself something new to cheer myself up.
I realize that BFG has a rota of sales/promotions and that there's ony three that I persoally take advantage of (CE BOGO's, Bonus Punch Monday and that elusive sale on GCC's), and I also realize that BFG has cusomers in countries other than the US and that those other customers make up 50% of their business.
However, BFG is an American company, 50% of their business comes from the US, so why not make half of the people happy by scheduling the good sales on the US holidays?
I hope a good SE is released on Monday so I can get something with a PCC.
I was hoping for a BOGOF or a true 50% off sale too. I only have one punch remaining on my card for this month so I'll see what I want. Probably LEFT IN THE DARK.