Finish Your Games Challenge

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August 21, 2013 1:15 pm  #281

Re: Finish your games challenge

Sorry, Barre. I don't wanna be an enabler! I'm sure the really bright colours would blind you and the really relaxing music would put you to sleep and you'd get lost in the faraway magical land and wouldn't be able to find your way back, and all those cute little furry collectibles would probably tickle you to death! So maybe it's better that you didn't buy it!!!!

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 21, 2013 1:20 pm  #282

Re: Finish your games challenge

Seriously, I went to BFG to check out the forums about the TGT Casino game ... still isn't in my GM and some people said that it just appeared in theirs while it was open and they were away!!!!! They said there's a new tab for other ways to play games, or something like that. I haven't got anything like that.

But wow, not only are there heaps of complaints that it's been put in everyone's GM without them downloading it (althoug on FB BFG said that it would only be there if you'd put it there) but also about BFG offering a gambling game without thinking of kids or people with a gambling problem or people with religious or moral issues with gambling. Also, it's been out for quite a while so no one knows why it's a TGT - it's been an online game. So BFG's copping a lot of flack for that today!

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 21, 2013 2:14 pm  #283

Re: Finish your games challenge

I saw all the complaints about TGT and when I first checked my Game App it wasn't there.  And the version of my game app was 3.2.04.(2.0). 

I read some more complaints, checked the GA, and it WAS there and now the app version was 3.2.04(2.2).

I most certainly did not download it "accidentally" as one BF employee was claiming people must have done.  And it didn't have anything to do about merely visiting the game page to read the info and then get to the game forum, as was also suggested.  It's a very small file, but still, how did it get by Norton and not open up all those windows I have to click on when I'm downloading something I asked for.  I deleted it, it hasn't returned, but the Game App insists on showing it to me on the left side.  I close the new ways to play tab, and the next time I open the app, the tab is open.

The latest version of the Game App has restored the Get tips in the forum link.

As for why we're stuck with a Free To Play TGT on the PC side, I'm guessing what was supposed to be released today wasn't ready and BF didn't have anythig else to offer.  The first time a FTP game showed up as TGT, there were the same howls and since then FTP games have just shown up as Today's Game, but oddly, listed first as if it had been a TGT and the genuine TGT gets shoved down into the soft release spot.

As for it not being a new game, all that matters is whether it's a it's new to the platform.  The same crowd go ballistic when the PC TGT has been previously been released for Mac.  "How can it be a new game if there's already a forum for it?" 

I'm not even going to comment on people wanting BFG to act as Big Brother and protect us from the evils of gambling.  Wonder how many of those complaining also carried on about BFG curtailing their freedom of speech on the forums, because, after all,  we're all adults.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

August 21, 2013 2:17 pm  #284

Re: Finish your games challenge

You are NOT going to believe this! Well, you know how I was sent 3 new codes for the 3 FunTickets I'd lost at GameHouse, and then the nice guy said that under the circumstances I could use them for Premium and Platinum games. Well, I just got a reply from the nice guy, saying that they're valid until the end of October, so plenty of time to work out which games I want and to see what new ones they get.

Then I noticed another email from GameHouse. And guess who it was... The initial guy, who'd been really unfriendly and unhelpful! And he's suddenly nice and he's sent me another 3 codes for free games!!!! I checked and they're not the same 3 codes. So I've got 6 codes now! And after they've been so nice I really don't want to reply and say, thanks but no thanks, I've already got 3 codes.

Wow, it doesn't rain but it pours game codes! But why did the initial guy send me 3 codes when I didn't reply to him and the last thing he'd told me was to ring them because there was nothing else he could do? I feel a bit ... okay, a lot ... guilty for keeping all 6 codes but after all they've put me through...

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 21, 2013 2:42 pm  #285

Re: Finish your games challenge

sunshinej wrote:

stusue...Are you logged in to your game manager or signed out?  Big Fish Casino just appeared in my game manager without me doing anything.  My last download was on Monday night.

Is anyone else worried about their Game Managers or Big Fish as a company?  I just read an article from the The Seattle Times about  Big Fish Games cutting jobs, closing offices.

I'm not worried they're going under, if that's what you mean.  They're doing what they've done in teh past, dumping things that aren't showing a profit (remember they tried Facebook Games but dropped them when they weren't making money.)  If there's wasn't a large enough market for games in Danish or Swedish to cover the costs, it makes sense not to produce them.  Also note that the much ballyhooed Streaming Cloud service is going bye-bye.  It's a sign of strength, IMO, that BFG is willing to admit when a pet project has been a mistake and that they cut their losses sooner rather than later.

The Big Fish Gear store is also gone.  That store that Pond Fishies clamored for but then didn't want to buy anything from because the shipping charges were too high.

They're letting people go but they also appear to be hiring.  Need people with different skills.

I AM annoyed about any game showing up in my Game app without me putting it there and it will be interesting to see if another one does so.


For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

August 21, 2013 2:44 pm  #286

Re: Finish your games challenge

I was just reading my emails from FB and noticed weissvonnix (Tanya) posted a link to the article about the BFG changes.  Looks like they are sugar coating problems and heading to whatever waters can generate them the most income quickly.  There are multiple complaints about BFG Casino showing up in the GM app.  I was able to go back to the previous GM and I copied the file over to my external file just in case.  I keep getting these pop-ups asking if I want to upgrade which I don't so hopefully I will not be forced to change it.  The office in Ireland (Dana) was so kind in helping me get back on track.  I'm really leery of the new GM, things are not looking good for BFG right now.  Lot of disgruntled people.  Guess they haven't figured out that mobile gamers/casino gamers don't always have a lot of disposable cash.  Oh well, haven't really checked Pond Friends yet as I was working on some other stuff for another challenge and just stopped to get some lunch.  Later!

Last edited by teeitup46ok (August 21, 2013 2:47 pm)

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

August 21, 2013 2:57 pm  #287

Re: Finish your games challenge

Well, I'm now downstairs on my laptop and have just downloaded a demo to test it ... and, just like my PC, no game, no extra tab, nothing. So maybe it's only those in the US who are getting this in their game manager.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 21, 2013 3:17 pm  #288

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just read the article and I felt really sorry for all those being let go but especially for the 100 in Cork. I know of at least one mod there who used to post in the German forum every day, chatting with the German fishies. So she's not only going to be missing chatting in the CCC but also now it seems like losing her job. So who'll be moderating the game forums outside Seattle working hours once the Cork office is closed? Unless maybe some of them will be able to work from home as mods.

What you're doing today is important
because you're exchanging a day of your life for it.

August 21, 2013 4:51 pm  #289

Re: Finish your games challenge

Quite the turmoil at BFG.  I feel sorry for the staff.

i am really enjoying the new Mystery Trackers.  And now I'm really looking forward to playing Nearwood when I'm done.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

August 21, 2013 5:16 pm  #290

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue -- Congrats on your 6 game codes.  I'd keep them!  And weren't you the best little  (dang -- I wanted to put a smilie for angel here but couldn't find one) angel in your reply about NEARWOOD!!  rotflmao!!

I read the SEATTLE TIMES article about BFG. Yikes!  Just today I got a very nice response to a CS email ffom someone in Cork.  Not only did he go above and beyond the question I asked (he even found a PCC I didn't know I had!) he made me feel as though I'd done him a favor by asking m question.  

I didn't care about the Streaming games, I don't care about FTP (I will play FAIRWAY just because it's a bit different but I'm not paying RL money).  IMHO BFG's strengths were providing casual games from other DEVs and their 2 stellar series -- MCF and HE.  We haven't seen an HE game in a long time and MCF has been farmed out.  I can understand wanting to offer games for mobile devices but who has more money to spend -- me (retired, no debts, pension, lots of free time) or some 20-something kid?


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