Wow stusue! You certainly shop enough places! I like games like DREAM INN: DRIFTWOOD but I didn't like that one. The innkeeper drove me up the wall. I'll have to keep an eye out for DARK ANGEL.
Anki -- I haven't played PHANTOM as yet. Good to know you both loved it!
oscar -- I kept forgetting to change from the hammer too. I feel your pain about the discrepancy. I go nuts when I can't balance my checkbook.
I haven't finished anything yet. I'm close in the 2nd CATE WEST. I like the gameplay but the areas you search are so depressing -- peeling paint, rusted stuff, rotting garbage. I'll have to find a nice bright Christmas game to play next.
I've gone thru these statements three times, that's why I need to reprint, they are rainbow of coloured ink and hiliters.
Sun the date on the accounting program I use here in the Great White North is day.month.yr., so I'd say European. Frankly half the time you never know for certain unless the day is over 12! Lol, I prefer writing it out. Speaking of writing it out, I am amazed at how many people that can't write cursive nowadays. Someone I know with kids in school say they aren't taught that.
I'm not working tonight, I say that now, I may get sucked in, so I'm definitely going to play Dr Magnus. Tomorrow I have a few hours of work to do. It feels very nice to be all caught up, now all I have to do is the filing at the office Monday and poof maybe I can do some sewing next week....unless I get that job.
Lily I like that kind of game too but could not stand her voice. I can't remember whether you could turn the dialogue sound and if it was written as well, or necessary.
sunshinej wrote:
stusue...You know I was thinking of getting a Gamehouse funpass starting January and still keep my BF membership for the games Gamehouse don't get. Like the ERS and Elephant and Blue Tea games. I'll have to see about it though because like you I would be making my list of games to be played longer.
What I meant by the date is do Canadians go by month - date - year like we do here in America or by date - month - year like they do in Europe.
Gotcha, sunshinej! Silly me. But don't forget that we Aussies go by day-month-year, too!
As for the GameHouse FunPass, I was lucky enough to get a year's subscription for about $5.80 a month, which includes unlimited play of all bar a few Platinum games AND an SE game coupon every month. And, considering their SEs are only $5.99 ($1 cheaper than BFG), I get an SE and unlimited play of all those games for less than the price of one SE! You seriously can't beat that and saves you having to buy so many games from BFG! And I get to play all those games that I don't want to buy or that I'd only want to play once, like all the HOPAs. So it's a win-win situation. And, even though that was a special deal, I still think the normal price is worth it, especially a yearly subscription. And, like the Dark Angels game that I just finished, had I just demoed the beginning I wouldn't have got the game and I would have missed out on a really fun game.
You also have their new Rewards Program. Just like BFG, with 6 punches you get a free SE game - 1 punch per SE, 3 per CE. However, unlike BFG, their SE games are $1 cheaper and you have 6 months to fill any punch card from the date of your first punch. None of this having to fill a punch card by the end of the month or you lose all your punches. And, when your punches roll over to a new card, the 6 months start from that date. Plus, if you have a subscription, your first 2 punches on each card are filled automatically! So you only have to actually pay for 4 SEs and you get a free game. But yes, you need to be a BFG member at least during a BOGOF sale to get all the CEs/SEs that GameHouse doesn't get. But GameHouse gets some CEs that BFG only offers as SEs, like Apothecarium and Questerium.
And, even though my game list gets longer and longer as I keep on adding all the GameHouse games I play, the number of unplayed games doesn't get longer and the ratio of played/unplayed games actually goes up!
lilyr wrote:
Wow stusue! You certainly shop enough places! I like games like DREAM INN: DRIFTWOOD but I didn't like that one. The innkeeper drove me up the wall. I'll have to keep an eye out for DARK ANGEL.
lilyr, I get the majority of my casual games from BFG. However, games that BFG doesn't have, like LFAs. I get from sites like GOG and GamersGate, amongst others, but only when they have games for at least 75% off or for $1, like Shiny Loot just had, when I got Faerie Solitaire. But, now that I have a GameHouse FunPass yearly subscription, I don't have to buy nearly as many games as I can play them for nothing on GameHouse.
oscar66 wrote:
....unless I get that job.
Fingers crossed, Oscar!!!!! Don't forget to let us know!
And I just got yet another Sneak Peek email for yet another FTP game that I have no intention of demoing, let along playing ... Design This Home.
Wow, yet another email from BFG with yet more FTP info. There's a new version of Found with "Exclusive holiday quests available now!".
So, I was just checking out the Christmas Stories bundle sales on BFG Seattle, France and Germany and what I found I was not expecting!
BFG Seattle - buy Christmas Stories CE and you can get 2 SEs for $2.99 each - offer ends midnight tonight.
BFG France and Germany - buy Christmas Stories CE and you can get 8 CEs for 2.99 euro each - offer ends midnight 31 December!
What a HUGE difference!!!!
That is weird, Stusue. I always thought they were missing the mark on their bundle sale. I would offer a CE bundle when a CE releases and SE bundle when that releases.
Just finished Mystery Legends Phantom of the Opera. Quite a bit of backtracking towards the end but the opera house was easy to navigate and I've seen much worse. Too many HOs for my taste, and they were kinda bleary. Like maybe you thought you were clicking on a ring and it was actually a boxing glove. The hint button was painfully slow so I tried real hard to find the stuff. I wasn't a fan of the ending but I really liked the game. I remembered one floor but when I got to the other floors they weren't familiar so I've played it before, but not all the way through.
I'm still working on perfects in Zombie Solitaire. I try to only use the tombstone cards and not the powerups, I only use them if it's a really tough board.
I've done Phantom and Dire Grove as old games, tomorrow I will treat myself to something newer. Has anyone tried the new Christmas game? I didn't have a "Try It" button today, some days I do, some I don't. I'm not really enthusiastic about it; I already have a Scrooge game that I will probably replay and of course, The Nutcracker. Ooh, maybe I'll do Mountains of Madness or Mystery, whatever it is. Horror themed, not Christmas, but lots of snow.
I finished Dr Magnus. It was an okay game. They really made you work to find some stuff. Nice story and easy on the eyes, In the first half there were only a few HO scenes, in the second half there seemed to be twice as many. It was a short game, maybe even under three hours. My complainant would be that it ended and shot you right to the main screeen and I couldn't go back to see if I had all the achievements.
I'm going to start The Secrets of Arcelia Island. It looks like it will be a little HOG heavy but tha';s okay for the moment.