Mystery Legends: Phantom of the Opera is my number one.
I have the CE in english, the SE in swedish (for my daughter) and afterwards we bought
the DVD and CD, talk about getting hooked
My November stats:
12 bought
Spooky Bonus
Stranded Dreamscapes: The Prisoner
League of Light: Dark Omens CE
Greed: The Mad Scientist
Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer
Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Bean Stalk
The Torment of Mont Triste
Strange Discoveries: Aurora Peak
Dark Canvas: Blood & Stone
Legacy: Witch Island
MCF: Fate's Carnival CE
Punished Talents: Seven Muses CE
6 played
Howlville: The Dark Past
Haunted Halls: Green Hills Sanitarium
Haunted Halls: Nightmare Dwellers CE
Haunted Halls: Revenge of Doctor Blackmore CE
Dire Grove CE
Dream Inn: Driftwood - a replayed game
Last edited by sunshinej (December 5, 2013 3:22 pm)
I started Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard this morning bought on March 11, 2011. I already played the first one Epic Adventures: La Jangada which I liked the story and the woman narrator, but those HO were so tiny. At least on Cursed Onboard they are regular size. I am liking Cursed Onboard so far - it's sort of eerie.
I was thinking about the game I just played The Heritage and I don't think I like it very much. Something about it kept me up and I kept thinking about it and couldn't sleep. Weird.
I was just wondering if Canadians when they see this date 3/11/2011 and think it is March 11, 2011 or November 3, 2011.
Anki wrote:
Mystery Legends: Phantom of the Opera is my number one.
I have the CE in english, the SE in swedish (for my daughter) and afterwards we bought
the DVD and CD, talk about getting hooked
WTG Anki! You sure must have both loved it!
You may be able to confirm (or not) something for me... it seems that, since BFG stopped supporting most of the languages, all the countries that never used to get the CEs in their language are now getting the CEs offered in English the same day as they're released in English. Is that what's now happening? And are all the SEs now also in English?
sunshinej wrote:
I was just wondering if Canadians when they see this date 3/11/2011 and think it is March 11, 2011 or November 3, 2011.
sunshinej, I don't think it's just Canadians who'd be wondering which date it was; I think it would actually be the rest of the world.
Of all the games on your bought/played list for November, I've either already played, or have ready to play, all bar one, as I don't like games like Dreamwood Inn: Driftwood.
I don't think I'm game to own up to all the games I bought in November. I did really well on BFG until they had that BOGOF sale right at the end. But if I were to add all the games I got in the GOG Insomnia sale (that was SO much fun!), the Shiny Loot $1 sale (I think that might have been December so doesn't count), the GamersGate sale... you get the idea... Okay, so I only ever buy games during a BOGOF sale using half-price credits (and on Bonus Punch Mondays if I can), or when they're free, or when I use a coupon, or when they're a minimum of 75% off, so they're all cheap (if not free), but still, my unplayed games list just keeps on getting longer and longer!
And I wanna play them all ... NOW!
I've just finished Dark Angels - Masquerade of Shadows (Alawar), which I don't think BFG has yet. It's a recent game on GameHouse and I was playing it with my FunPass. It froze after about 20-30 mins and I'd found it SO boring - seemed very old style and made for teenage girls - that there was no way I was going to restart it and have to do those 20-30 mins again. However, yesterday I forgot and opened the game again and thought, it's free so I'll try it again. And then wow, what a game once you get out of the office and have finished all the stupid tasks there! It just gets better and better and it's much longer than I'd expected! It's an SE but has achievements (not all of which are simple gameplay ones) and I missed 2 but I have no idea why for one of them. The one that I know is that I chose an alternative response so didn't get that achievement (throughout the game you have some conversation/action choices.
I've also just finished Heroes of Solitairea, Finders, Questerium - Sinister Trinity CE (BFG only has the SE) and Legacy - Witch Island (all using FunPass on GameHouse). I didn't want to get the latter as I thought it was way too easy but wanted to play it. And it was too easy. However, I didn't get one of the achievements as you have to play all the extra levels of those minigames that have them once you've finished the game and 2 of those were way too hard for simple little me and I gave up trying to get them.
But there's just one problem with playing all these games free on GameHouse - instead of shortening the Games To Play on my games list, I just keep adding more games to the list! But at least they're marked as played as soon as they're added.
I'm currently playing Faerie Solitaire (got it for $1 on the weekend) and Haunted House Mysteries.
So, there's another FTP game for all those of you who like them - Golden Ticket: An Amusement Park Sim Game. I just got a Sneak Peak email but I don't like FTP games so I won't be trying it. I don't know when it'll be available for all to play but I imagine in the next day or two.
I finished Luxor: 5th Passage. It was easier and longer than Luxor 3. Although I'm tired of shooting marbles, I'm going to stick with my plan and start Luxor Evolved next. When it's finished, I'm going to reward myself by playing a bright and shiny new CE, Punished Talents: Seven Muses Collector's Edition.
I like how you think TiramaSue!
Sunshine - nope I can't find it. Everything seems to correspond exactly so I just don't get it. I am going to have to reprint everything and start from scratch. I went right back to Nov 2011. Makes me want to scream!
You guys have all been so busy, I've not completed anything. Last night I played some more World Riddles. I keep forgetting to switch back from the hammer!
stusue...You know I was thinking of getting a Gamehouse funpass starting January and still keep my BF membership for the games Gamehouse don't get. Like the ERS and Elephant and Blue Tea games. I'll have to see about it though because like you I would be making my list of games to be played longer.
What I meant by the date is do Canadians go by month - date - year like we do here in America or by date - month - year like they do in Europe.
Oscar...That sounds like a good plan going back to the beginning and going over everything. I hope you find it soon.