Oscar, yes I meant as a tester. When Codeminion was producing I Beta-tested both Brunhilda and Phantasmat and another one (can´t remember the name because it was bad).
It was spell-checking, finding bugs and trying to do things you shouldn´t to get the game to crash.
The Codeminion-guys where so nice and fun
ETA I have to take a look at Township
Last edited by Anki (December 1, 2013 2:41 pm)
I am not enjoying Motor Town at all, just hinting my way through. Ugh. I really thought I was going to like this game. Oh, well....
So I started Dire Grove, I've only played it the one time and that was back when it was new. It's still good. Lots of HOs, but they're played several times and some of the same items are asked for again. I prefer that, it makes them go easier and quicker the second and third time I do them. The atmosphere is so eerie and those tapes are so good. I haven't really run into many mini games yet, but plenty of HOs.
I personally HATED Phantasmat the first time I played it. Didn't get what the hoopla was about but that was back when I played all my games and didn't have new ones. I remember being bored and trying the SE because it had just come out and for some reason I just adored it so I got the CE and I did love it then. However, i tried replaying it last year and it has wayyyyyy too many hogs for me now. It is funny to see how much your tastes have changed.
I swear Im the only person that hates brunhilda. I just could never get into that game. Maybe I should try again LOL
So I redownloaded Druid Kingdom and I don't see a relaxed level. They have an easy level but Im not sure if that was there before but so far it has given me more than enough time. Anyways, I put it on my to buy list.
I started tallying my games to see how much I spend a month vs how much I play a month n I write down the games now to see where my preferences are. I try not to play the same developer twice in a row and sometimes I forget what I just played...
Right now Im playing
MCF-Madame Fate-old one
go go gourmet
whispered secrets-story of tideville SE and I think its sooo fun so I wonder why I keep buying CEs...
7 sea soliatire except i always forget about it.
MCF is long but I LOVE the puzzles!!! They are all word puzzles! and then the hard one to get the information on the person. Well they have been doable for me but you can tell just how much games have improved their mechanics lol I was doing one of those ones with different gems. need to get red to one platform and all green and blue to the others. Instead of just moving it, I had to hit different knobs to change to each one. It was fun but man it was complex back then lol
oh & on my moms computer, I am playing Fearful tales-Hansel and Gretel CE because its too laggy to play on mine and since Im going down the bay area this week, I'll be able to finish it
I played Brunhilda for awhile this year but it got too repetitive and I quit. I replayed (or played more of) the first fate this year or last. I was determined to get the outhouse and I did. It didn't seem to have too much of a connection to me(Ravenhurst), that was part of why I played it some more. It's a toughie.
My membership ended the 30th. Yesterday I had no "TRY" button on the TGT, it told me to rejoin for early access. Today, however, I can and did d/l the TGT. It's done that before, too. Seems like it let's me d/l the 'lesser' games, but if it's a CE or the SE version of it, I can't d/l until the next day. Weird, huh?
The new Solitairea is alright but I don't really like the cards wiggling around so much. The graphics are nice and we have a dragon helper.
We also have a $2.99 sale. Just a couple years ago I would spend $20-30 in every sale that came around, now I just don't have much interest. Maybe cause I have all those $2.99 games still waiting to be played.
I am going to do something and anyone else is welcomed to try with me. Starting tomorrow I will need to play 5 of some of my oldest never played before games before I am allowed to get a new game.
I just went to my Purchase History at BFG and hit the Order Date tab went to the bottom of the list and picked out my 5.
Mystery of Mortlake Manor
Haunted Manor: Lord of Mirrors
Mystery Legend: Phantom of the Opera CE
The Heritage
Epic Adventures: Cursed Onboard
This doesn't mean that you can't play a new game that you already own. Right now I am playing Enigmatis: The Ghosts of Maple Creek, but I am not going to buy anything more until these 5 old games that I picked are finished.
Oh I forgot to say the reason I am starting tomorrow is because I want to take advantage of the sale and BPM and get:
Myths of the World: Stolen Spring pcc
Queen's Tales: The Beast & the Nightingale pcc
Mystery of the Ancients: Curse of the Blackwater $2.99 sale price
I think expiring pcc's should be a exception and maybe a CE BOGO sale.
I tried playing my oldest games in order and was doing okay (still played some new ones that I just couldn't wait to play). And then I hit a wall. I bought something like 8 games on one day and still have 5 of them to play -- but I just can't get interested enough in any of them to actually play them. I'm sure you have more will power than I do sunshinej! Oh definitely a CE BOGO sale would be the exception to your rule!
Wendy -- I used to buy a lot of daily deals too. Since BFG started the BPM I just make note of the DD and wait until a BPM and get the game for a PCC.
Right now I want a simple, short HOPA or HOG. I should look and see if any of my oldest games qualify. I started 1st CHRONICLES OF ALBIAN because I thought it would but it was waaaay to long and took forever because of the small items to find.