mac users finally got BARN YARN!!! I am sooo excited (obviously). I still don't understand why it takes playrix sooo long to convert their games but I had to have it so I had to do BPM after all. I got that one along with the torment of Mont Triste SE (pcc) & DarK CanVas-Blood & Stone SE at the 3.49 50% off sale price. I demoed the CE again and just couldn't justify getting it. There were coins and morphs but I didn't want what the coins offered and I couldn't find a single morph during trial so I went for the Se. I have the SE of the first one too.
Right now Im playing Posh Boutique 2, Go Go Gourmet & Fear For sale-Nighmare Cinema CE. I really like the HOG because it has sooo many collectibles. Over 100 according to the guide and the morphs are even in the hidden object scenes. So far the story is good and it seems long. I have played and finished a ridiculous amount of games this month. I'll wait til the end of the month to tally it.
I have Strange Discoveries-Aurora Peak SE. I remember really weighing the two kind of like with dark canvas and decided on the SE because people said it was short and when I demoed it, I got kind of far not to mention it just didn't strike me as CE worthy. Even though I like VAST games, I rarely buy CEs because the two times I have, I remember being sooo disappointed.
Meg I really enjoyed Fear for Sale Nightmare Cinema as well. Strange Discoveries was ho hum.
I started Phenomenon City of Cyan last night and finished it up tonight. It was fairly short but nice and easy which was what I was looking for. It was a mediocre game for me.
Off to play some more Spooky Bonus before bed.
ugh! Posh Boutique 2 doesn't let you go back and get expert after you finish a level! Usually in TM games you can always go back but this one only lets you redo it while you are on the level like it says "go for expert time again" and so I bypasssed it to make my boutique nicer and came back to play it later and you can't click on it so you can't replay it. I realized there is no achievement for getting expert on every level but I like to! GRRR weird no one mentioned that in the reviews...
As Yogi Berra said "It's deja vu all over again." Same sale as last year. I think that makes it official: no true CE BOGO until Christmas.
I have finished Punished Tales: Seven Muses CE.
I really liked it! It´s on my Top 10 list (maybe even 5)
I may have a thing for detective stories...
I got all the achievements, but some of the teapots were hard to find.
I also liked the first Redrum but not the second. I bought it when it came out so I don´t know if it stands the time (if you know what I mean).
wow, Anki, you are a fast player. Good to get your comments for the new games. I haven't bought Seven Muses yet...will get it in the next BOGO sale. Did you say you finished Mayan Prophecies: Cursed Island CE? I can't decide whether to get the CE or SE, but I'm leaning towards the CE.
Contrary to what others have said, I liked Redrum 2 better than the first one.
Last edited by barregar (November 26, 2013 11:59 am)
I liked REDRUM. It is sort of about a child but she isn't harmed at all in the game. I vaguely remember demoing REDRUM 2 and not liking it. Not sure why. I haven't been to BFG yet so I didn't see what sale Tirama is referring to. I wasn't going to buy FATE'S CARNIVAL today anyway. Right now I have no punches and I'd like to keep it that way. If I wait until early December I'll have 2 GCCs. Of course the new DANA KNIGHTSTONE is coming out soon too. Maybe I'll use my GCCs for that and wait for a BOGO sale for the MCF. I have the Beta to play. I looked at the VAST sale yesterday and there were games i wanted but comments here and in the BFG Reviews made me decide I could get by with SEs (all have WTs on BFG). I use my PCCs to "buy" SEs.
meg -- I hope you enjoy BARN YARN. I didn't but it was because of that annoying grandson AND I'd played FARMSCAPES just before it. Too much grandson!
Anki -- Wow! You sure do play fast. Good for you!
Oops! Forgot to wish everyone in the US a Happy and safe Thanksgiving!
Last edited by lilyr (November 26, 2013 3:46 pm)
Barre, I definately recommend the CE of Mayan Prophecies!
The collectibles were fun to search for and the Bonus Play wasn´t very long but fun.
To my own surprise I liked the new MCF very much (maybe because of the new devs and old story ) It´s gonna be hard to resist the Buy button until next BOGO
I liked the beta of the new MCF but I'm going to hold off util December. I have more than enough to keep me entertained. I think Tirama's right no BOGOF for some time so they can make as much as they can on the new MCF.
I'm almost finished Spooky Bonus. I'm torn on what to start this evening.
I did a little of the beta and liked it. I only have SEs of the other MCFs but this might be the CE I pair up with Nevertales somewhere down the line.
I was just going to hit the trash button on EOTD and decided I'd check and see if my "SKIP" button had somehow appeared. It wasn't there but I decided to hit the "HINT" button and after I did that it turned into a "SKIP" button And then the best part was that the puzzle didn't reset and I went ahead and hit a couple more buttons and I solved it
I haven't finished but the next scene told me who was the good guy and who was the bad guy. Now I'm traipsing through the entire game to press 10 purple orbs again.
Oh, I was at a shuffleboard tournament yesterday and today and won 1st place