Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 24, 2013 12:36 am  #1331

Re: Finish your games challenge

I remember the original EOTD and liking it at the time.  I don't recall the ending though. The second was meh,  I do have the third but haven't played it.

Lots of those games you picked up are on my to play list.

Started Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink last night and played tonight as well.  I am already on Chapter 7 so it would appear to be a fairly short game. That took about 3 hours with no skip of anything including all dialogue. And I am looking at the scenery.  I do love the steampunk graphics and the storyline.  It is quite wordy but I like it.  Personally I was excited about it when I did the beta but there is nothing innovative in the game.  The puzzles are quite basic, there is a nice map system which is handy as there was a couple of times I was saying ok what now.  In the CE there are collectible bugs and there are achievements. 

Quite a crap sale this weekend but I don't have anything to buy anyways as I took advantage of the sale the other day.  Enjoy SNL.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 24, 2013 12:38 am  #1332

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just could never get into The Empress of the Deep games. I remember demoing the first one way back when and not really understanding the story and then demoing the second one and being even more confused. & yes I remember the hint button/skip being really wonky.

So mac players got Portal Of Evil-Stolen Runes CE which all of you have already gotten. I have not demoed it yet although I am downloading it. It has mixed reviews so we'll see. This is like the 3rd time I've seen Murder She Wrote 2 as a DD and each time I kind of want it but not really. I have demoed that game many times and each time I just can't figure out if I really like it so I guess I'll pass on it again. I never got the first in the series either. 

This sale is ok but I did have the "mehhhh" moment when I saw it. This would be a great sale if say I wanted only 1 CE which I do because I LOVE Punished Talents-Seven Muses CE but then my punch card will be all messed up so if I do this, it will be on monday if the code still works lol I wonder if they will catch on that people do that and either get rid of the bonus punch monday or move it to like wednesday so we can't use the weekend sale...


November 24, 2013 1:46 am  #1333

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm playing NORTHERN TALE 2 and I'm stuck.  Level 29 you have to get the dragon scale.  Ragnar and the Herbalist talk about broiled or fried mushrooms putting dragons to sleep but I don't see any on the level and there's no Herbalist either.  I looked at the Game Forum but there's nothing there.  I put in a question but who knows how long it will take to get an answer.  I know someone here finished the game but i can't find that post (I went back a bunch of pages).


November 24, 2013 2:49 am  #1334

Re: Finish your games challenge

Lily,I'm playing  Northern Tales 2,  but am not nearly as far as you.  If I ever get there,  I'll let you know.

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

November 24, 2013 5:04 am  #1335

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished Left in the dark-No one on board and wowwww it was a yawner. I sort of thought so when I demoed it but its artifex mundi and I usually love them. I guess its not THEIR game, they helped on another developers but still. So blah. It was such a chore to finish. The hidden object scenes started off interactive and then went to basic lists and there were a lot and you have to play them all twice. I gave it 3 stars because it wasn't the worst but it wasn't all that thrilling either.

I demoed The Far Kingdoms and surprisingly I really like it. Didn't think I would because of it being half HOG/Match3 but it plays wonky on my computer so I hestitate to get it. Also, I demoed Portal of evil-Stolen Runes CE and I hated it. I thought it was sooo boring and there is nothing special about the CE so I can cross that one off my list. There seemed to be no inbetween in reviews. People either hated it or loved it. 

Im playing Go Go Gourmet. I always wanted this game and finally got it and its sequel a few years back so better play them lol I think I need a break on HOGs and I'll find a nice TM to hold me over. Still working on Ballad Of Solar and I really really like it!!


November 24, 2013 5:56 am  #1336

Re: Finish your games challenge

lilyr, It was I who had finished Northern Tale 2.
I have already deleted it, but if I remember correctly (my mind is a little foggy) you "only" had to pick the mushrooms which was behind something( like a rock or an animal) and then click on the dragon.
I played relaxed mode and that level took me a long time.


November 24, 2013 5:59 am  #1337

Re: Finish your games challenge

I have finished Whispered Secrets: Into The Beyond CE.
I enjoyed it very much. I really liked the music and the sounds. The puzzles were fun and I got all of the Achievements


November 24, 2013 1:01 pm  #1338

Re: Finish your games challenge

Thank you Anki.  There may have been a couple of things I didn't click on.  I'm really enjoying this game.  The first one was brighter but this has lots to do and makes you think!


November 24, 2013 1:33 pm  #1339

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'll have to try that one out, Anki.  I started Mishap 2: An Intentional Haunting.  I played the first one quite awhile ago.  It's mostly HO scenes, and the items are pretty hard to find, almost as hard as the last game I played. It has 4 rooms in each section, no real plot, and no walking around so I can just play it a part at a time.  I want to play a better game but I'll be gone probably 12 hrs. tomorrow for shuffleboard so no sense starting something now and then forgetting what I'm doing. 
  I haven't played the demo of the new Dark Canvas yet, seems like tepid reviews.  I got the first one in a CE BOGO and wasn't impressed so I just haven't bothered with this one.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 24, 2013 3:49 pm  #1340

Re: Finish your games challenge

I actually got a response in the BFG Game Forum!  Level 29 completed. 

I got the first MISHAP because everyone said it was so funny.  I didn't think it was.  Maybe I'll try MISHAP 2 if i ever finish THE BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE.  With the holidays coming up I need games that don't take a lot of time and that you can play a scene or two at a time.


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