Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 17, 2013 12:27 pm  #1261

Re: Finish your games challenge

Oscar - I played Fairy Tale Mysteries: The Beanstalk as the CE. It was an ok game. The CE has collectible eggs and the bonus chapter. I think the SE would be a better value, though. I'm trying to remember if the BC was necessary for a story conclusion. It really didn't leave a lasting impression on me.

ETA: I just remember the main game ends rather well but you do "finish" in the bonus chapter. In a sort of "oh we have to find these items to make sure this type of thing doesn't happen again."

Last edited by misscatlady2453 (November 17, 2013 12:34 pm)


November 17, 2013 5:21 pm  #1262

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finally finished the bonus chapter of Rite of Passage Perfect Show.  It was almost all new areas.  It wasn't needed at all.  This was another game that the SE was perfectly fine and the CE not neede.  The CE has masks to collect, there's an indicator to tell you there's still one  left in the scene, which is nice. 
Without it, I would have forgotten to look for them.  Collectibles are losing their appeal for me, after I play a bit I forget all about them.  At least some of the masks were really hard to find, the flowers in Noise stuck out like a sore thumb.  I only used to get SEs, but because of the BOGOs and 1/2 price credits I started buying CEs.  I have to say, for me, they're just not worth double price and I will buy mostly SEs in the future.  It will have to be a really exceptional CE for me to get it anymore.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 17, 2013 7:20 pm  #1263

Re: Finish your games challenge

I was starting to lose steam towards the end, but I was able to FINISH  the Haunted Halls series up to date.  I am really proud of myself for remaining focus and finishing 3 of my older games.
I bought
Green Hills Sanitarium on October 2011
Fears From Childhood on August 2012
Revenge of Doctor Blackmore on November 2012

I was tempted by the sale, but in the end I didn't buy anything except Saturday's DD Zodiac Prophecies: The Serpent Bearer.  It's rare now to find a DD that I don't already have and that I am interested in.

Wendy...I like your Thanksgiving theme avatar.  Also good for you for having a plan.  I find myself buying CE's when the SE would do fine or SE's when I wish I would have gotten the CE. 


i ♥ nirvana

November 17, 2013 7:28 pm  #1264

Re: Finish your games challenge

With us talking about our first games we bought it made me want to play Cooking Dash: DinerTown Studios again.  I forgot what a pain in the neck and a lot of fun this game is.  I much prefer this game to Diner Dash which is just seating customers and Cooking Dash is preparing the food and serving it. 

I  am going to be playing MCF Dire Grove next.  I heard it was a good game so I am looking forward to it.

i ♥ nirvana

November 17, 2013 9:20 pm  #1265

Re: Finish your games challenge

I keep wanting to play Dire Grove again, I only played it the one time and it was one of my first games.  I have the SE version.  I don't feel right about replaying a game when I have so many unplayed, though.  Stupid conscience  I played Zodiac earlier this year, I remember I liked it.  I think it has sections and few or no HO scenes.
I finished the bonus game of Surface Noise.  It was nice but not necessary.  It took place in a new area and there were still flowers to collect, although like I said earlier, it was no challenge, the flowers were bright blue, pulsated, and sparkled like an HO scene indicator.   Hard to miss.  It had some nice puzzles in it, I really enjoyed the game the whole way through and wouldn't mind replaying it again someday

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 17, 2013 10:06 pm  #1266

Re: Finish your games challenge

I'm still on the fence about getting any games with this sale.  Lord knows I don't need more games!  I played the complete trial of NORTHERN TALES 2 and will buy tomorrow.  I think I want ZODIAC too.  There are CEs I want (like NEVERTALES) but they'll be there.  I may just wait for a real BOGOF.

I've never played DIRE GROVE.  Heck I just recently played RTR!  I'll be buying the new MCF and HE though.

I'm amazed at the number of games you all finish.  Either you are all much faster than I am (not a big stretch) or you're more dedicted.  I am managing to get through THE BEAST OF LYCAN ISLE.  Still hafe a lot to go though.


November 17, 2013 10:18 pm  #1267

Re: Finish your games challenge

I finished the bonus chapter of Macabre Mysteries: Curse of the Nightingale Collector's Edition and have finished 40 levels of Heroes from the Past: Joan of Arc.

Unless there's some dort of incentive to get the MFC at full price when it's released, I'm going to be waiting for a BOGO, so I can't get that excited that it's going to be released in a little over a week.  And I imagine that the two Christmas CE's should be out this coming week or next (Elephant Games and ERS) so that the SE's can be relased before Christmas.  And we're still waiting for the next Dana Knightstone, so I'll be getting a lot of games in the (hope, hope) Christmas CE BOGO sale.

I have 2 PCC's to use by Dec 13, and so far nothing has caught my eye.  If anybody needs to borrow one, just give a holler.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

November 17, 2013 10:57 pm  #1268

Re: Finish your games challenge

Ooh, Tirama, I loved Macabre Mysteries.  The SE version still had all the morphs. 
Right now I have 4 punches, so Monday after this one I'll probably have to borrow one.  That will give an expiration date of late January.on the payback one.  I love playing the punch card game  If you buy on Mondays you can buy 2 games, borrow a pcc for the third one and get the payback code, so it's like Buy 2 Get 1 Free, as long as you're buying SEs.  And if they have a BOGO it's Buy 1 Get 2 Free
I decided to start Shadow Wolf Bane of the Family SE.  The lip synch was perfect in the first scene.

No matter how much I complain, I'm grateful for all I have.

November 18, 2013 1:54 am  #1269

Re: Finish your games challenge

beholders, observors? Same thing right? LOL they look alike though! ok I finished Off the Record-Linden Shades CE. What a creepy game. Usually games don't scare me but this one was like creepersville and Im not really sure why. Its one of those games that left you guessing. Like up until the end, I really didn't know who was behind it or even why. Thats good storytelling. I was so into the story and even though there were lots of hidden object scenes, they didn't take away from the story. Sometimes with too many I forget what Im doing or what Im playing. Just a tip though, if you get the CE...the bonus chapter is separate and you cannot get achievements or collectibles in it. Everything is done in the main game much to my dismay when I realized I couldn't get 3 hops with no misclicks in a row or 10 in 10. sigh. but definitely a 5 star game all the way.

wendy, I believe I got the SE of rite of passage & the masks were in it. Only thing was you couldn't collect all of them because they apparently went into the bonus game but I was satisfied with just the SE although I bought the second as a CE. And I agree about the sales and buying CEs. I never used to buy them but with the sales I think...ohh but they are half off, its a savings. Actually, if I just bought se's it might be more a savings but the buying 2 and getting a free game is what gets me LOL

Oh btw, is that The Beanstalk (not cursed beanstalk as I wrote earlier LOL)  game any good that you guys are talking about? Gogii and I have a very dysfunctional relationship. I have games of theirs that I absolutely love but there are many games of theirs that I demo and really really hate. I did try this demo of the CE and I liked it but since they are so all over the map and I completey hated the first one, I just want to see everyone's consensus who played it through and not the people who only play the demo like on the review page because how can you really know if its a 5 star game and you only played 20 minutes? Sometimes I think it will be and then by the time the ending comes around, Im like Thank god its over!


Last edited by megwoman25 (November 18, 2013 1:59 am)


November 18, 2013 8:21 am  #1270

Re: Finish your games challenge

Megwoman - The Beanstalk game - it was an ok game. It was weird that you see an object that you know you are going to need later but the game won't let you pick it up until it says you need it. Took some getting used to.  It was weird. IMO it wasn't a terrible game but it also wasn't a great game. If that makes any sense. The main game ends well but the bonus chapter does continue it in a "oh we have to find these items to make sure this type of thing doesn't happen again" sort of way. I would say you are better off getting the SE really, unless you only want CEs. In that case I would definitely wait until a BOGO sale.


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