Finish Your Games Challenge

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November 7, 2013 10:44 pm  #1161

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue wrote:

Tirama, congrats!  You've now finished all your CEs from 2012!  WTG!!

I'm not a particular ERS fan.  However, their 50th game is in my top 3 fav games.  I loved it, especially the way you were asked before going through the portal directly to the bonus chapter if you wanted to go back and find any collectibles that you'd missed.  How many games give you that opportunity?

I've finished Laruaville (well, at least I've finished building the town) but missed achievements.  I think you have to just keep playing to get them all.  However, if I remember correctly, I thought that there was 1 or 2 that I thought I'd never manage to get.  Oh, yeah, at least one I'll never be able to get without starting over is playing 20 puzzles as the guy who always gave me mahjong puzzles asked, after I'd said no for the 3rd time, if I wanted to skip them from then on.  I thought I was only saying no to mahjong but I wasn't given any HOSs after that, either, so won't be able to play 20 puzzles.

Thanks for the congrats.  Can't help but wonder which CE I'll buy during the Christmas sale that will still be in my inventory giving me reproachful looks next November.

I assume you're referring to Reveries: Sisterly Love Collector's Edition?  I think it's one of ERS better efforts, but I played it within days of finishing Living Legends: Frozen Beauty Collector's Edition, which along with several other games, has a similar storyline so it had a bit of been there played that feeling.

I just got the trophy for 10 puzzles.  The Ho and mahjong puzzles don't alternate, so far (I'm somewhere in the 30's levels) there have been more mahjongs than HO's.  So, the achievement is either for 10 puzzles in a row without hints OR 10 mahjongs.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson

November 7, 2013 11:40 pm  #1162

Re: Finish your games challenge

I just finished 9 Clues: The Secret of Serpent Creek.  I didn't love it so I'm glad it's over.
Next I will play a game that is long overdue, Dark Parables: Final Cinderella CE.

The Lord is my light and my salvation, whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the strength of my life, of whom shall I be afraid?  Psalm 27:1

November 8, 2013 12:07 am  #1163

Re: Finish your games challenge

Barr - that's kinda how I felt about 9 Clues, glad it was done.

I started Engima Agency Case of Shadows. A little short on story to start, I'm not sure who the smoke guy is supposed to be or where from.  Good graphics, some nice interactive puzzles like little Rube Goldberg machines.  I've come across one of my least favourite type puzzles in the library lock.  a round pic you have to move pieces around to create a whole, but of course 6 or 7 pieces move each time. blech.  So far it is interesting with some (for me) new aspects and more involved puzzles.  Some easy ones too.

"There is no more perfect stillness than the solitude in the heart of a snowstorm." Diana Gabaldon

November 8, 2013 4:41 am  #1164

Re: Finish your games challenge

You have been busy since my last visit

I was very sad to see that Moose and AG has passed away
Especially Moose...

On the gaming front I´ve been very restless. Played a few levels here and a few levels there,
never felt anything to commit to.
And I must have some sort of a TM-curse... When I returned to The Golden Years: Way Out West all my progress was lost there too! What´s happening

BTW I have finished Legacy: Witch Island


November 8, 2013 9:46 am  #1165

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue wrote:

sunshinej, I downloaded the card game onto my Vista laptop and it worked fine.  I've already forgotten but I think there were 13 or 15 games.  Maybe more.  Boy do I have a memory  like a sieve.  Anyway, I won Go Fish (5 to 4, 2 and 2) and I also won War.  In Go Fish I played against a parrot, some other animal that I've already forgotten, and one human.  And I chose to have them all talk.  But boy am I cute!  If you want, you get to choose your facial structure, hair, skin tone, mouth, nose, eyebrows, glasses, blouse, voice, etc.  So have fun!

Hi stusue...I d/l game on win7 and it works fine.  Made up a few people so far and played War.  It was nice that they had a slider bar to make the other people chatty to serious.  I think I will get this one not only does it have the two games i wanted pinochle & canasta, but it also has euchre, which i always wanted to try.

Anki...Sorry you lost your progress in your Way Out West game.   I hate when that happens.  When that happened to me with Nightmare Adventures: The Turning Thorn I couldn't bear to restart it to try it again.  I was so mad.  Now after a few months I am finally able to think about trying it again.

i ♥ nirvana

November 8, 2013 9:48 am  #1166

Re: Finish your games challenge

stusue wrote:

sunshinej, I downloaded the card game onto my Vista laptop and it worked fine.  I've already forgotten but I think there were 13 or 15 games.  Maybe more.  Boy do I have a memory  like a sieve.  Anyway, I won Go Fish (5 to 4, 2 and 2) and I also won War.  In Go Fish I played against a parrot, some other animal that I've already forgotten, and one human.  And I chose to have them all talk.  But boy am I cute!  If you want, you get to choose your facial structure, hair, skin tone, mouth, nose, eyebrows, glasses, blouse, voice, etc.  So have fun!

Hi stusue...I d/l game on win7 and it works fine.  Made up a few people so far and played War.  It was nice that they had a slider bar to make the other people chatty to serious.  I think I will get this one not only does it have the two games i wanted pinochle & canasta, but it also has euchre, which i always wanted to try.

Anki...Sorry you lost your progress in your Way Out West game.   I hate when that happens.  When that happened to me with Nightmare Adventures: The Turning Thorn I couldn't bear to restart it to try it again.  I was so mad.  Now after a few months I am finally able to think about trying it again.

i ♥ nirvana

November 8, 2013 3:46 pm  #1167

Re: Finish your games challenge

Hi.  There was a mention of POND FRIENDS a few pages back.  Someone said they seemed anti-BFG.  It's really only one thread (BFG News) and only a few posters in that thread.  They get really revved up when one poster comes in and tries to balace the negatives.  Other than that I love the site!


November 8, 2013 6:24 pm  #1168

Re: Finish your games challenge

lilyr wrote:

Hi.  There was a mention of POND FRIENDS a few pages back.  Someone said they seemed anti-BFG.  It's really only one thread (BFG News) and only a few posters in that thread.  They get really revved up when one poster comes in and tries to balace the negatives.  Other than that I love the site!

Is that thread in the hidden area?  There seems to be some anti-BFG posts and subtext in the developers corner as well.  Campaigning and lobbying the devs not to sell their games on BF.  

My enduring memory of CCC will be the vitriol that was spewed the final week.  I have no desire to hang out with people who behaved in that manner.

For every minute you are angry, you lose sixity seconds of happiness. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
     Thread Starter

November 8, 2013 6:44 pm  #1169

Re: Finish your games challenge

I agree with you TiramaSue. I don't go there much because of all the negativity. Plus, they don't talk about games that much there. I only go there to find out what the newest beta test game is. It kind of annoys me that there lobbying the devs to not put there games on BFG. Not to mention their new favorite name for them is ridiculously childish in my opinion.

ETA: Forgot to mention, I think I'm going to play a bit of Myths of the World: Chinese Healer CE tonight. I meant to play this a while ago but never got around to it. Now that the new game is out I think I'll finally dive into it.

Last edited by misscatlady2453 (November 8, 2013 6:46 pm)


November 8, 2013 9:09 pm  #1170

Re: Finish your games challenge

Misscatlady,  I loved  Chinese Healer.  The new one?  Maybe later,  but it didn't blow me away.
   On my current trip through  Zombie Solitaire,  I made it to level 64 without buying any powerups or wild cards.  I had  157 thousand gold coins,  plenty to buy all I need on the harder levels.

        Barre,  how are you doing with  Call of the Ages?  Those challenge levels are really hard,  even the non-timed ones!  I love that you can go back and replay levels on regular mode to pick up bonuses you missed.  The only thing I really hate is the  CONSTANT pop-ups telling me what I already know,  over and over!  (This is a box...this cell is filled with sand...)  As if I didn't know!

Humor will glue your fragments into one whole.  ~Osho

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