But, for those who had questions and/or "issues" regarding the "winners" of the 12 Days of Christmas Give-a-way. I CAN post the answer I received when I mentioned that our Forum members (and I) took issue with the way that was handled. Give me a bit to go find it and I'll post it here at POND NEWS!
I would like to apologize wholeheartedly for not getting POND NEWS or the CE RELEASES for this week (January 19 - 25) posted but my health has interfered with my daily duties. I hope to be able to post again next Monday (January 26). Thank you all for your concern, thoughts and prayers. I am improving.
Hugs to you all!
I'm glad to hear you are improving Freyasmom. It'll take some time to heal.
sunshinej wrote:
I'm glad to hear you are improving Freyasmom. It'll take some time to heal.
You've got that right! There are some days when I'm just so tired and wrung out, I just don't want to move .... while on a "good" day .... I just "might" be able to fold a load of laundry. My priorities these days?
Feeding and walking Freya.
I spend a LOT of time in the bathroom due to the diuretics (sp?) and on the sofa with my legs flailing waaaaaay up high in the air (now, THERE'S a picture I bet you can't get out of your head!) wearing a compression sock on my left leg. The swelling has gone down exponentially but the pain is still pretty bad .... hm
Things I used to be able to just run thorugh now take .......... time. Walking with Freya to the mailbox and back home is extremely tiring ...... and painful to my leg and we used to walk over the grassy knoll ..... to the mailbox ...... behind the buildings where we live ......... around the management office ........ down behind where the pool is ..... up to an area that's wide open so she can let loose and RUN RUN RUN!!!!!! .... and back home. I want those days back.
Monday looks good for posting .... so far.
FYI: Note posted by BFG on their facebook page:
Hi Everyone! Due to constraints, there will be no new The Pond this week, and the Playlist will go up on Tuesday. Don't worry though, The Pond will return next week!
So, I'll be posting the CEs coming out this week tomorrow, Tuesday and no POND NEWS until next week.
Guess what???? I've got FIBRO!!!!
Yay me.
That's why I've been MIA for a bit .... haven't felt like getting on the old laptop. But, I'm back to posting again.
Did anyone even miss me????? Huh?
There WAS an interesting announcement (sad, for me) at the end of the video .... but.... you'll just have to wait for the news!
This week's episode could have/should have been called "Gummy Drop Video" because it seemed like that's all that was talked about.
Maybe it's just me, but I am getting a little bored
with the whole "Gummy Drop" segment
..... because .... of course ..... I don't play it.
In fact, Carlos and Jessica LOVE getting feedback from all the players.
Here's some now ..... (great how I just segued into that, wasn't it?????)
Gummy Drop:
Today, Jessica and Carlos chose to share some player feedback:
Kim Frost wrote that she is only at Level 20 in Tokyo. Apparently, Level 19 AND 20 are quite difficult to get passed and accolades were given to Kim for getting that far!
Diana said she's played with her son over 20 times and nothing has happened so far. Carlos suggested that maybe a "how-to" video is going to be coming .... or else he will send her a "secret" message on her FB page.
Oh ..... keep in mind there ARE "how-to" videos for this game if you need them.
BFG is apparently working on some games but that's ALL that can be said about THAT subject. Hmmm.
Someone wanted to know. Eric Reiz wanted to know if a soundtrack is available for Gummy Drop. Answer? Yes, but it is proprietary and not available for purchase.
Some people also put up their Gummy Drop artwork.
Agnes Dorfler showed an actual "gummy bear".
After the Gummy Drop segment was over, they showed a trailer for an older game. You may remember it ... if you have not played it ...... Death Pages Ghost Library. I happen to own the game .... but it's still gathering dust waiting to actually be played.
Now, for the BIG Announcement/News about the Pond Video:
*Note - The Pond will no longer be a weekly show, but more of a semi regular segment. We appreciate all the support we've gotten throughout the run of our first 13 episodes, and hope to keep you all along for the ride as we switch to more of a monthly release schedule." That was actually posted on their FB page but they pretty much said the same thing in the Video. No idea of whether it will be on the first Monday, Wednesday, Thursday or 4th Tuesday of the month
...... so I'll be checking for it regularly and when it shows up ..... I will post it here for your reading pleasure.
They are NOT doing away with Jessica's Playlist ... it will still be out weekly.
That's it for this week's POND NEWS. I guess I'll see you back here ....... when I see you.
Don't forget to check out the CE Releases for this week!
Sorry to hear about the Fibro, freyasmom. That has something to with your nerves or nerve endings don't it? I still don't quite know much about it, but heard it was a rough thing to have.
So, they are scaling back on the Pond News. I wonder why? Carlos & Jessica seem to talk about Gummy Drop a lot. I took a cursory look at Gummy Drop and didn't think it was a big deal. It looks comparable to Candy Crush and Candy Crush was big a year ago and everyone I know who played it then lost interest in it considerably and went on to other phone games like Bubble Witch.
Hi, Freyasmom, at least your problem has a name now. The symptoms don't seem to include swelling, though.