I don't know what Gummy Drop is , either, sounds like Candy Crush to me.(my gummy just got dropped)
Dire Grove is awesome, totally awesome, I replayed it early this year and it's still one of my very favorite games, maybe #1.
YOu make me feel better about my sleeping, Freyasmom. If I can get 5 hours I'm pretty happy. I don't usually have any problems getting to sleep, it's the staying asleep that kills me. If I go to bed earlier I just wake up earlier. My dogs will sleep to noon, though.
ETA: Gummy Drop is M3 for Apple devices.
Last edited by WendyDarling (November 14, 2014 3:20 pm)
Gummy Drop is a M3 game for iPad or iPhone. I imagine that it's free-to-play. That seems to be what the BF Facebook page/Pond News and Jessica/Carlos are heavily pushing.
Dire Grove is one of my favorites of the series as well. The later ones were ok but terribly long to the point that I really didn't care if I finished or not. The release date for the new one has been confired at Nov. 25th. I assume for game club members.
I don't have and iphone or ipad so have no comment on gummy drop except that they are heavily pushing it for some reason. Almost more so than they did the casino. I have tried to play games on my android phone and it is just not the same. Not the same on my kindle either. I prefer the big screen.
Thanks for the MCF news and dates.
I prefer the big screen as well. I tend to play only nanograms on my iPad plus Township of course. Nothing on my iPhone.
Okay guys, now you're talking phones ..... which I also know NOTHING about. Except this .... I used to have a lovely, beautiful red, deep almost burgundyish red, flip phone that had big buttons and all it did was talk and text and I LOVED my "wallpaper" (????). And then it died.
But, lo and behold! My insurance covered it and I got a new one. Well, a refurbished new one.
Life was joyous again. Then, it died again. This time, the news was dire.
I had to get a new phone.
So, my son happened to have gotten a FREE phone because he was the expert where he worked (at the time the estimated cost was around $300) and gave it to me. I've had it about 2 years now. It's soooo pretty.
Light pink. Pretty swirly things on the back cover.
It slides open sideways to reveal a QWERTY keyboard (which I never use). Was life good again? Sadly, life took a turn for the worse. It has a TOUCH SCREEN!
With a whole screen full of things called APPS
and it has a camera and you can get the internet and GPS and Bluetooth and what is all that stuff anyway.
Well, as the story goes, I taught my phone to just talk and text except sometimes it would put these folders and APPS on my screen for no apparent reason. Is my phone mocking me?
Every time I put said phone in my pocket to walk Freya, it would make a call, repeatedly, to the same person - who I REALLY didn't want to call for ANY reason. Why? Why would my phone do this to me? I treated it so well. Never dropped it or lost it or talked mean to it. I would ask, plead, beg family members to please, please show me how to tame my phone. All said "read the guide that came with it". Smart-asses. Well, I tried to read this TOME of a guide. Several times. This is how I felt by page 3.
Today. Today was a JOYOUS HAPPY DAY!
For today, I found the TRASH CAN and got rid of all those annoying folders and APPS and other useless things that annoyed me on my screen.
Now, if I can only figure out how I accidentally locked it.
Needless to say, I never play games on my phone either.
I feel your pain -- but I laughed my way all through it! I have your basic flip phone too. Does the guide have an index?
lol I love your little diatribe as well and the perfect smilie placements! lol
I admit to a great love of technology. I love apps and gadgets that are useful. In my house it was always my husband coming to me to hook things up and do stuff. Same with a few of my friends and mom. On aptitude tests I always came up mechanically inclined and I do like to figure out how things work. It irritates people when I ask to many questions. Please don't tell me no, because I'll just want to know why? lol
lilyr and oscar: Stupid cell phone update ----- I figured out how to unlock it. And, I'm soooooo proud of me (YAY ME!) because I didn't have to run it over with the car to do it! Somehow, I had initiated the "draw a signature picture" locking mechanism.
Having to redraw my middle finger was really hard!!!!!!
I want to apologize for not having "POND NEWS" and BFG's Weekly Game Releases for this week posted today (Monday). I did a serious damage to my hip/side/whatever earlier today and couldn't make it to my computer. I promise both lists will have updated info on Tuesday.
Have a lovely day/evening/night.
LOVED your post about unlocking your cell phone! I'm sorry your hip and side are giving you trouble. Get better. No worries about not having the info the minute it's available. As you can see by how old some of our games are we don't seem to charge right out to do stuff!