I remember going back in one game and redoing all the HOs, I so wanted to find the morphs and get that last achievement! Lol
stusue -- I'm so sorry that your mother's results weren't good. I'll be praying that the radiation does it's job.
I love hanging clothes out too. Unfortunately we can't do it where I live. I DO hang my laundry in the cellar in the winter. It adds a little humidity to the house and dries quickly because it's right by the furnace.
I caved and got 4 CEs in the EIPIX sale yesterday.
stusue...I'm sorry to hear your mom's results were not good. I will be sending healing thoughts to her and kind thoughts to you both.
I heard about a advertisment about a solar dryer years ago. It touted the benefits of drying your clothes naturally and stressed about how much energy and money you would save. It cost around $50.00-60.00 I think. People sent away for it and when they received their package and opened it up it was a clothesline with some clothes pegs.
Last edited by sunshinej (April 3, 2014 10:18 am)
I've got a lot of catching up to do, I've just been scimming this thread, since I haven't been finishing anything.
Stusue - I'm so sorry to hear about your mom.
Meg, be sure and tell us your wedding date ahead of time so we can have a virtual party in your honor.
Tee - hope everything goes well with the sale of your parent's house.
I hope I didn't miss anybody who's having major life events/changes. My mind is like a sieve
For those who like nanogram puzzles, there's yet another one released today: Mystery Riddles. I can't believe I actually have to choose which games to get this month and which one's to get next month.
We need a virtual party for Anki as she started her new job today! Good luck Anki I hope you enjoyed your day!
Meg - I'll make you a nice virtual wedding cake.
Tirama - I love that all these nanograms are around. I had the others on my IPad but this one I haven't seen. Did you like the pirate one? For some reason I didn't.
oscar66 wrote:
We need a virtual party for Anki as she started her new job today! Good luck Anki I hope you enjoyed your day!
Meg - I'll make you a nice virtual wedding cake.
Tirama - I love that all these nanograms are around. I had the others on my IPad but this one I haven't seen. Did you like the pirate one? For some reason I didn't.
I don't have that one, yet. What didn't you like about it?
The last one I played (other than the free to play World Mosiacs: Chroma) was Fill and Cross: World Contest. I had to turn the music off on that one, it was making me feel sad.
Thanks, everyone, for your very kind words and prayers. My mum needs all the help she can get at the moment.
I loved Mystery Riddles so much I got it awhile ago. I haven't finished it, of course, but, playing a bit of it again today, I remembered why I liked it so much.
Anki, I didn't even know you were starting a new job today! How did I miss that? When's the party? I hope you had a great first day and that it just gets better and better!
I played Shadow Shelter today. Wow, what a game! I loved, LOVED, LOVED it!
There are so many HOSs but I still loved it! It's also incredibly dark but the atmosphere is incredible as you really feel like you're in a long-abandoned mansion. I loved the gameplay and there are also hardly any instructions, which just added to the intrigue. And you actually battle the demon at the end!
I loved it so much I'm even going to buy it, even though I've just played it, as I'm sure I'll want to replay it in the future.
I'm sorry about your mom, Stusue. The radiation will probably pretty tough on her; I know you'll take good care of her.
You're making me want Shadow Shelter so I put it on my list. I only played FTPs today but I have plans on starting Origins, maybe.
I started European Mystery The Face of Envy this evening. So far it's a pretty nice game, good story. I am finding it a bit finicky though with having to click just so, a mm off and it's a no go. I do like my little ermine helper, he is adorable and helpful in those hard to reach places. So far though, nothing inovative and the it hasn't had much challenge. I set it to custom so that I still had the map and availability shown along with the skip button still being there just in case. Masks to find, which pale in comparison to the ones that were in Mystery Trackers Phantoms of Raincliff, they were gorgeous if somewhat creepy. It's those empty eyeholes I think. I'll have to give Shadow Shelter a whirl as well. I do have it. I have to write these down or I will just stare vacantly at my gm, pick a letter scroll and close my eyes and click! I think I now have two in the queue courtesy of Stusue.
Stusue - I hope your mum does well, I know radiation can be very tiring at any age. I know it was taxing for my mom. I hope it turns out as well for her as it did mine. How is your sister doing on her return home? Has she recuperated fully from her fall?