lilyr, thank you for the explanation. I have never heard of the game Glitch but I know World of Warcraft.
All of you are so lucky to get a game credit from BF. I didn't get one....yet.
I am hopeful, because I did send in a complaint about my missing quest.
barregar wrote:
lilyr, thank you for the explanation. I have never heard of the game Glitch but I know World of Warcraft.
All of you are so lucky to get a game credit from BF. I didn't get one....yet.
I am hopeful, because I did send in a complaint about my missing quest.
The credits that work with CE's were issued cause of the complaints filed regarding the bonus punch fiasco. They look much different from the regular CS codes and have an expiration date.
I received a regular CS code because of my complaint about a missing quest, but only after I performed the actions the CS rep asked me to, even though I knew it was useless.
I complained about the PCCs too but I just got a regular CS code. But at least it doesn't expire! Maybe they looked at people's PCCs. I didn't have any punches.
GLITCH was only like WoW in that it was an MMOG. There was no killing or violence in GLITCH. At times you did work as groups for quests but they were fun. If you Google GLITCH you'll get a small (and static) feeling for the game.
I only got a free coupon code because I'd sent a query to CS, asking if there was a problem with the punches and if it would be fixed that day so I could fill my card. This was before I knew that they'd stopped punches for PCCs.
My code is also totally different to all the others I've ever received and has a 9 March expiry date, so I have to use it next Monday to benefit from BPM. But all the free coupon code did was replace the extra PCC I'd had to use to fill my card. And now it's the only coupon I have that expires next month. But at least it's for a CE!
The only question now is ... will I get any punches when I use it?
Stuesue, you asked about the GH code some pages ago, I didn´t try it. I was greedy and looking for a discount deals game but there weren´t any that I wanted other than I already had. I wanted the Fantasy Mosaics, but wait for when it gets to Zylom
I also counted my games, it´s 55+ but I was a member at RA since 2002.
Oscar, I only have 4 games at Steam but never had any trouble and hadn´t need to contacted them.
But now I remember there was some problem with my daughters account and that they solved immediately.
lilyr - It seems reasonable to me that people who were blindsided by the change when they thought they had filled their punch cards but learned differently would be treated differently from those who heard about the change from others and were just filing complaints about the change in policy.
stusue - according to the help article, punch card coupons are the only thing mentioned as not receiving a regular punch. So we should receive 4 punches, however, if all I receive is the 1 bonus punch, I'm not going to complain. I'll use that code first, and then plan my punch card strategy.
I actually started playing a game I own! I'm more than halfway through Botanica: Earthbound Collector's Edition and I hope to finish it tonight. That will give me a whopping 2 games finished for the month. But I did finish all 150 levels available of World Mosaics Chroma.
Tirama -- I'm not complaining about the coupon code. I was actually surprised that I got one!
Anki -- The main artist responsible for GLITCH has been working on a game that will be playing on Steam. I know nothing about Steam. Is it safe? I know so little about computers and have heard so much about computers being ruined by viruses and malware that I tend to stick to a few sites that I trust.
lilyr, I know you weren't complaining. And unless people know that the coupon they received is good for a CE (my e-mail told me the code was good for a standard edition game), getting a code that doesn't expire is better. What a crazy mixed up system.
Speaking of CS, I just got a request to complete a feedback survey regarding my complaint about the missed quest in ART. I told them to tell their reps to stop assuming everybody's operating system is WIN7. I'm using WIN8 and there's no Windows pearl start button in the bottom left hand corner or any other corner of my screen, so sending me instruction telling me to click on it is useless. I know how to get to where they wanted me to go, but other customers may not.
Tirama - what do you think of the new Botanica? I haven't got it as of yet. I didn't really care for the first one, so I've held off until I can demo it.
The desktop is a Win8 and I'm totally lost on it some of the time. I really miss the start button. I kinda know how to do it now but I'm getting old enough I don't really like learning new things. I had a couple problems today. My window resized itself somehow and I couldn't get to the edges, and the text is a lot smaller. Then I lost the clock off the taskbar It's pretty much fixed now at least.
I guess I was thinking it was Grim Tales. I don't care for the Facade series much either anymore. Maybe I'll have to try this one. Mystery of the Ancients came out as SE so now I have to decide if I want that as CE, this new one, or maybe next weeks.
I'm working on the bonus of Fate's Carnival. The bonus part doesn't seem that great, but maybe it's cause I've taken so long to play the game. No, there's not really much plot in the bonus so far, I'm just running around hitting the hint button.