oscar66 wrote:
I'm not sure what the issue is. I've tried both ways, GM closed and open. If it is closed and I tell it to install it goes thru the motions and the GM opens but nothing goes to the queue. Demos this is not an issue. Could I ask if someone could try and install a game from their purchase history just to see if it works? Why would it work for demos but not full purchased games?
I am loathe to have to delete the GM and reinstall the games. What if I delete and can't install anything!
I'm dowloading A Christmas Carol CE right now but it's downloading very slowly. I can't remember, are your games PC or Mac? If PC, and you're trying to download a purchased SE game, try downloading the demo (which is the full game) and then click on the game manager as if you want to buy. It will then activate the full game because you already own it.
Okay, I just d/l The Lake House: Children of Silence one of my purchased games with my GM closed. I have Norton too and it worked. It is d/l now. Have you ever tried d/l right from the GM itself?
My game d/l fast just a few minutes is all that it took.
Last edited by sunshinej (December 18, 2014 2:31 pm)
PC and both are CEs. The demos are not an issue to install. I'm dling an already owned game, a SE now from the game screen versus purchased. It installs the demo, then I have to go thru the buy procedure, says I own, activate now? Yes. It is taking forever though. Then I went back to my purchase history for those two games and clicked install again. Nothing seemed to happen and then a few minutes later they appeared in the queue. My goodness it is slow. prior to the buy on that SE I had to sign in again even though i was signed in on my GM. A weird quirk of the moment? If it happens again I think I will sign off the GM and then sign back on. It was almost like it needed to be "tricked" to accept them. Now I'll have to wait and see if they load.
Thanks for your input.
oscar - if you're trying to download a Christmas game, it's probably just overload at the BFG end of things. My download is still chugging away only 66% done.
No, it is the new Surface and Riddle of Fate CEs. What a ridiculous work around to get them dl'd. but it did work. And all three are done and activated now.
oscar66 wrote:
No, it is the new Surface and Riddle of Fate CEs. What a ridiculous work around to get them dl'd. but it did work. And all three are done and activated now.
Still probably a heavy traffic issue. Yesterday all Elephant games were on sale for half off. And that could explain why my Christmas game took forever. It's an Elephant Game.
I would think that they would have at least made it to the queue even if the dl time was going to be long. Plus I could not get anything in my purchase list to install from there. Still can't.
oscar -- I'm not sure what's going on but I think BFG has server issues. I just played a bit of one of my F2P games and it was horrendously slow. I usually buy my games in bunches and I always D/L the demo of the game I want. That way I don't end up with 6 games in my queue.
Thanks everyone, I'll just have to keep trying to do it from my purchase list to ensure it works at some point. I have always dl from there or installed from a purchase on th BFG site and have never had a problem. You shouldn't have to dl an already purchased game by dling the demo and activating from there, but I do agree with Lily that it is best if you don't want all the games from a huge order to appear in the queue. That said I rarely activate or purchase from the GM.
I'll just monitor it and see how it goes.
How odd Oscar that you are having problems d/l. Is this a recent thing? At least you figured out a way even though it is a twisty way of doing it.
I finished Christmas Stories: HCA's Tin Soldier and It was a fun game to the end. The 2 bonus games were not long and not needed for the main story. They were just a bit of cute fun. I was 2 puzzle pieces short. Just before I finished the main game I checked and double checked the SG to find them and I don't see where they could've been at.
Next up is a replay of Christmas Tales: Fellina's Journey.