awww stusue -- so sorry things were so hard for you the last few days. Hope your flight(s) go well and you have a good time in Australia. Yikes! I never thought about hotel rooms not having AC. I'll have to rethink what I was planning to take for bedclothes.
Some people are just too dumb to live -- and I just had another one of those moments! I could have sworn that, when I looked at the calendar, this past Monday was the last BPM. If we get Memory Mansion any time between now and the 28th I'll be kicking myself. I'm not gtoing to start another card just to get that game.
lilyr wrote:
Some people are just too dumb to live -- and I just had another one of those moments! I could have sworn that, when I looked at the calendar, this past Monday was the last BPM. If we get Memory Mansion any time between now and the 28th I'll be kicking myself. I'm not gtoing to start another card just to get that game.
I had to use my pcc's because they expired on the 25th and next Monday was too late. I was sure Memory Mansion would be released on Tuesday.
I have 2 dangling punches and will probably use one of my coupons received for downloading a free to play game to get a CE and fill the card. It's not looking good for finding SE's to fill the card. There's hasn't been many soft releases lately, and the next 4 days will bring CE's and SE's of already released CE's.
And I'm getting the feeling that I forgot to check Jessica's play list for what's being released this week. And I swear, I didn't hit my head when I fell.
I finished Fiction Fixers Adventures in Wonderland. It had lots of sparkles, it was impossible to miss anything, but that was alright, I was in that kind of mood. The HO scenes were really hard, kinda blurry, some really small items, half(or more) hidden items, but I enjoyed the challenge since the adventure part of the game was so easy. Some of the minis were on the harder side, too. There were 5 door locks that were revolving circles, some I solved, and a couple I ended up skipping. There were some originals in there, too. One involved using your mouse to move a trampoline over the beach to keep bouncing lobsters in the air until they hit the ocean. I loved, loved, loved the voiceovers, although there were some complaints about them in the forums. A strategy guide was included, but you had to go to the main menu to access it. I liked it well enough, I'd probably rate it a B-, or maybe C+. I don't regret the purchase at all.
Thanks Wendy. I'm looking forward to playing that game!
lilyr wrote:
awww stusue -- so sorry things were so hard for you the last few days. Hope your flight(s) go well and you have a good time in Australia. Yikes! I never thought about hotel rooms not having AC. I'll have to rethink what I was planning to take for bedclothes.
Lily, the night in the unaircondioned hotel room was a nightmare! I only managed to get a bit over 4 hours' sleep! It was so hot and that was with the windows open and eventually with the fan back on again. When I left I told them that I'd never stay in their hotel again in summer; I'd only ever go back in winter as it made me so sick. So yes, think about what you take if you're staying in hotels. Some may have airconditioning, but often only a few rooms. If they have it it will be listed in the room info on their website - if not they won't have it.
But lucky me, as usual, I flew down to Frankfurt okay - although the guy who took me to the plane in the wheelchair fought for me to be able to keep all my carry-on luggage as the flight attendant was having a fit. Then, when I got to the gate in Frankfurt and handed over my boarding pass from my wheelchair, I was told that my seat had been changed and I was freaking out, wondering what awful seat I'd been moved to, only to be told that I'd been given a wonderful seat in business class!!!! And that was for the long leg from Frankfurt to Hong Kong!
So I had a tiny little private cubicle with a flat bed !!!!
But even that wasn't enough for me to sleep as I can't sleep in planes.
But, after watching a couple of movies, I managed to at least close my eyes and lie down flat for a few hours to get some rest.
Anyway, I got here okay but with only a few hours' sleep in the hotel before I left, so hardly any sleep in days. I then went back to bed after I got up early this morning to take my tablets and managed to sleep until 3 pm. Then my mum had a long talk with me this arvo, explaining how they'd found another spot on her lung and there's nothing they can do. They have no idea how much longer she has but she's hoping it's months instead of weeks ... but, of course, hoping for at least a year. She's really hoping to be here for Christmas and then super hoping she'll still be here and well enough to do the cruise she wants next February. I'm the only one she's told as she's not going to tell the family until after my sister's knee surgery. I wasn't suprised to hear the news at all but I don't think it's set in yet. Mum seems to be handling it super well. But then she's known about this for about 3 weeks. Not the news I wanted to hear when I got here. I can't believe my mum's not going to be here for much longer. So this trip is going to be even more stressful than usual. And who knows how long I'll be staying this time. Do I stay or come back, or what? If you could, I'd love you to send some healing and strength prayers/thoughts this way for my mum. She's going to need a lot of fortitude now, emotionaly, physically and mentally.
Well, methinks it's time for me to have some supper then off to bed as all my pre-relapse CFS symptoms have been getting worse and worse all day. Not at all surprising after this past week and Mum's news.
I hope you're all well and playing some great games!
For some reason "All My Gods" is at the top of my "Recently Played" list even though I haven't played it, so I thought "What the heck" and started playing it. It's a builder type game with quests. I'm not really enjoying it very much because there's no timer of any sort, except an occasional timed quest. I couldn't get the first timed quest finished and a lot of my buildings got set on fire, but I just went on from there. There doesn't really seem to be much challenge in it, so if you're looking for a relaxing builder, this one fits the bill so far. If you run out of resources you can just wait a short time or use your ":Hand of God" to gather more until you run out of mana, you can build temples to increase your mana. There's not much land to start with so I have every square inch filled with buildings, it's hard to tell them apart cause they're so jumbled together. I might just call it a day with this one, it's boring me because of the no timer/challenge aspect. I might give it another day, I'm opening up more territory so maybe I can spread some buildings out a little more, make it less crowded.
stusue, so sorry to hear about your mom and prayers and (((hugs))) for your entire family as you deal with this. I imagine it is meant for you to be there with her for however long she needs you or your body can handle it. Sorry things are flaring up for you but hopefully, you can get your strength back now.
{{{ stusue & Mom }}}
I'm so sorry about your mom. And I'm so glad that you will be there with her for a few months. I also hope that your CFS settles down soon. How nice to be upgraded to business class for that long flight -- even if you weren't able to sleep. I will definitely be praying for you and your mom.
Last edited by lilyr (July 25, 2014 1:26 pm)