I can't remember where I read about EVIL PUMPKIN (here probably) but i was looking forward to it UNTIL both stusue and meg said it is really hard. Oh well.
meg -- the trip up the coast should be fun!
I've picked out my next game (a really old one) but I have some sort of annoying, low-level virus/ad/whatever that I have to get rid of before i download anything else. My security system blocks it but it keeps flashing on the screen that it did. I go to so few places that I'm surprised I got this. I finished D/Ling all the anti-everything programs that should clear my computer but I'll run them tomorrow. It's late here.
Meg, it makes me grin ear to ear hearing you say "my hubby". I'm just so happy that you're so happy. And your dog tail is cracking me up...a spot we play has a little ice cream shop/cafe and it's called the Bun n Cone, that's what your dog reminds me of.
I feel so out of it, not being able to play demos and hardly any time for a game. I started Hidden Wonders of the Deep (M3) on the old laptop, and I've started Fiction Fixers: Alice in Wonderland on the new one. I'm enjoying Alice, her voiceover is pretty good. It's SE but it has a strategy guide included, although you have to go to the menu to get to it. I'll have help this week so I'll probably duck out during some of the slow times and get a little gaming done. Speaking of gaming, I got in on a dice game and won a $160 pot. The air compressor i blow up my balloons with is starting to die so I spent my winnings on a new one. Perfect timing.
Has anyone ever heard from Puzzledone? I got thinking of her the other day, wondering if she was alright. I miss her.
meg -- So sorry about Tessa. Hope the vaginitis clears up soon. A friend on another board has been dealing with constant (and nasty) bladder infections with her female dog. The Vet finally said she needed surgery on her "lady parts" (I'm thinking labia). That appears to have done it! The last urine culture was negative. Hope Tessa's is easier to clear up. Sorry if this is TMI for anyone.
Wendy -- I've wondered about Puzzledone too. I always enjoyed her reviews in CCC (we seemed to like the same things and have about the same level of expertise). Her posts here were interesting too. Congrats on the dice pot. Great timing! I'll have to remember the Alice FF game. I have it (unplayed). I'll make a note about that SG right now.
Nice Wendy! Your timing was impeccable.
I'm going to have to check out this Evil Pumpkin, definitely a demo first though, it might be too much for me.
I finished Off the Record The Italian Affair. It was surprising how many issues it had. I don't think I have played anything especially from Eipix's with so many issues. I love all the bonus stuff they give you but I could not replay a lot of the HO scenes as they wouldn't load. Despite the issues I came across it was a good game, fun and I imagine there will be more Off the Records. I think the SE would suffice though as the bonus was only around 40 mins long.
I am happy, thanks wendy Glad you won some money to get a new air compressor. How are the carnivals/fairs? (think they are ferris wheel, county fair like I right? lol) going this summer? Its been super hot in the west coast but then I hear east coast & midwest are back in polar vortexes. Weird weather. Anyways hope things are going well.
I have a question about Legacy games...that new game The Other Side-Tower of Souls is $2.95 til 7/25 and I demoed this thing and even though the cat bugs me a bit, the mini games are exciting and new and I LOVE the hidden object scenes so I am going to buy this thing. So what I want to know is...they have a new punch card...only need 5 games and you get a free one so do the punches ever expire? Like BFGs expire at the end of the month but this one doesn't say anywhere if it expires or moves over or what. Does anyone know? I feel like I should just stick to BFG to buy games so I can keep track and I have 4 pccs I have to use monday. Just curious.
As for Puzzledone aka Judy, I have her email but I haven't talked to her since the CCC went down. I haven't seen her post anything in any forums for games either. IF someone wants her email, I can private message it to them. Just let me know... well PM me lol
[size=125]oh and I keep calling my hubby, my fiance still lol I always have to correct myself or use white out on everything lol My name change is in limbo too. Im like one name on everything legal and then the other on the things I could change while I wait on social security. I like my new last name though. I think it complements my name and middle name very well. When I was an event recepitionist for weddings, I saw a lot of names that were like YIKES. My neighbors are both Francis Francis. Her first name is Francis & she married a man whose last name is Francis. His first name is also Francis but goes by Frank. Im pretty sure she goes by Fran. but it made me laugh when I met them. Hers was by marriage but what were his parents thinking? I feel sorry for the generation below me who got named Strawberry Valentine (friend's brothers daughter) or Blu Ivy or Blanket or Star Rainbow or Melissa with 5 S's and 10 L's.
Anyways, I have being called to watch Top Chef. I have all the seasons but haven't watched them so we are marathoning them. I love cooking shows and competitions & so does hubby xx[/size]
Last edited by megwoman25 (July 21, 2014 12:20 am)
megwoman25 wrote:
I have a question about Legacy games...that new game The Other Side-Tower of Souls is $2.95 til 7/25 and I demoed this thing and even though the cat bugs me a bit, the mini games are exciting and new and I LOVE the hidden object scenes so I am going to buy this thing. So what I want to know is...they have a new punch card...only need 5 games and you get a free one so do the punches ever expire? Like BFGs expire at the end of the month but this one doesn't say anywhere if it expires or moves over or what. Does anyone know? I feel like I should just stick to BFG to buy games so I can keep track and I have 4 pccs I have to use monday. Just curious.
Meg, it doesn't say anything about the punch cards expiring on the punch card info page at Legacy Games, but I've got 2 punches, one from early February and one from early May this year, so I suppose you have as long as you need to fill them.
I'm sure you'll eventually realise that DF is now DH.
I remember a few years ago they listed some really weird names that poor Aussie kids had been named by their parents. I only remember 2 of the weirdest - and cruellest - twins called Pete and Repete (how awful to have been born second) - and another one called 7/8, written as a fraction.
When my sister was in hospital after having her eldest child - called a very normal name - there were 2 other poor little babies who were called very unfortunate names. A little boy was named Enis and a little girl was named Clitisse. Both were warned what nicknames their poor little kids would be tormented with at school but both mums just said that they loved the names they'd chosen and that it would just make their kids stronger. I find that cruel. My sister said that they should have married each other as their nicknames would have gone well together.
ok I have to ask...what does the D stand for in DH or DF...I don't know why I can't figure it out lol
megwoman25 wrote:
ok I have to ask...what does the D stand for in DH or DF...I don't know why I can't figure it out lol
Meg, unless I'm mistaken, it stands for 'dear', as in Dear Husband, Dear Fiance, etc.