Hi guys! How are you all doing?
If you read my post from a few days ago, I wrote to GameHouse CS after a PCC that expired last Friday expired before midnight and before I was able to use it. In reply I got 2 coupon codes to replace the 1 I'd lost, both of which can be used to get SEs or CEs.
Well, while I've been sick this week, I totally forgot about another PCC that expired last Sunday. I only realised yesterday. So, I wrote to GameHouse CS again, checking that I had indeed lost a PCC while I'd been sick, but not asking for anything. When I got up this morning there was an email waiting for me, with 2 more coupon codes to replace the 1 I'd lost due to my own fault (although I was sick), both of which are good for SEs and CEs.
I sure must have done something right in my life. I missed using 2 PCCs before they expired and I got 4 back, all of which can be used for SEs and CEs. I just wish they had some CEs that I want that I don't already have.
Now I'm just waiting to hear back from BFG CS re my missing coupon for downloading Midnight Castle, which I haven't yet received, as per usual.
So, after my good news, now on to the games I've played/demoed this week while I haven't been well enough to do much else. I'm so going to be leaving behind a house that looks like a cyclone's been through it when I fly out the week after next.
Wednesday - Mysteries and Nightmares: Morgiana - straight SE HOPA - I loved this game! It's really long, about 5 hours. There are more minigames (about 31) than HOPs (about 15). The HOPs were challenging and the minigames ranged from easy to hard (they could have used some more instructions) and I loved both the HOPs and minigames. I definitely recommend this game.
Lily, there's no WT but the hint is more than enough to help you and the map shows active areas. I definitely recommend you try the demo to see if you like it.
Thursday - Chronicle Keepers: The Dreaming Garden - straight SE HOPA - I ended up really liking this long game but I was in tears of frustration at the beginning when the hint just kept sending me backwards and forwards between 2 scenes and the map doesn't show where there's anything to do. I checked out the forums and finally worked out that I hadn't thought to use the medallion in a zoom-in scene. Once I'd worked that out I could keep going and then really enjoyed it. I didn't like it as much as Mysteries and Nightmares: Morgiana, but I can definitely recommend it if you like the demo. It's also a nice, long game.
Friday - Artifacts of Eternity - M3 - I really liked it, especially as I've played the first game, Eternity, which was a HOPA. You go to the same locations as in the HOPA, with the same backgrounds, needing to find the same things. I can't remember the details of Eternity as I played it awhile ago, but I think maybe you have to do exactly the same things in this M3 as you have to do in the HOPA, eg. you have to start a fire and need to collect things like wood, just getting everything you need by playing M3 boards rather than running around in a HOPA. Some of the boards were really easy (full boards), whereas some were really hard (boards with so many holes and so few tiles that it was really hard to make matches) and I had to replay some levels several times until I'd managed to drop all the parts of the objects I needed to the bottom. It's not a brilliant game but I can recommend it, especially if you've played Eternity as it was a great reminder. There's variety in the boards but I think the really difficult boards didn't start until after the demo.
I was going to play Myths of the World: Chinese Healer Collector's Edition. Started it, checked the achievements and saw that ther was one for completeing game in one session. Decided to put that game aside for a time when I have better than the proverbial snowball's chance of earning it.
Didn't want to waste more time downloading anothe rgame so decided to play Fantasy Mosaics 3.
I'm going to have to turn the music off in this one. I just finished watching the made for TV movie Shackleton (with Kenneth Branagh) and the documentary The Endurance. The music in the game sounds to me very foreboding, like what would be played when a movie or tv program shows a vast expanse of bleak desolate landscape. It's making me feel very apprehensive.
I'm severely sleep deprived again. Feel like all I do is go to the dentist, put the thundershirt on and off Tiffany, and play some free to play games. I'm going to go and try to take a nap.
Now for the demos ...
Secrets of the Dark: The House of Shadow CE. This is what I wrote at the end of the demo (I didn't play the whole demo) ...
- I liked the demo but SE not CE
- Was there music?
- Liked the HOPs and puzzles
- Puzzles fairly easy but not stupidly so - fun and different
- Morphing objects impossible to miss
- But I liked the way you used them to get the wallpapers
- That was different and interesting
- Collectibles okay but easy to spot
- Main game less than 4 hours, bonus about 45 mins (from a review)
It only got 2.7 stars at BFG with only 45% of reviewers recommending it. I'm not the only one who wonders why it got such bad reviews but I think it could be because people were disappointed when it was so different to the previous Secrets of the Dark games and judged it accordingly, rather than looking at it as a separate game.
It also only got a 2.5-star rating by All About Casual Game. However, they also only gave another game by Orneon a 3-star rating, not liking it at all, and that game is one of my fav games ever - Fatal Passion: Art Prison. So maybe they just don't like Orneon games.
I'll definitely be getting the SE and, had the bonus been longer, I would have considered the CE.
Fright CE demo
I betaed this game ages ago and really liked it then. I remember thinking it was ready to be released as it seemed to need no more work, and the only thing that I think has been changed is that none of the extras were available in the beta version (that I can remember). It has gorgeous graphics and a mysterious, ominous atmosphere and I loved the demo. I especially liked the way not only did the inventory disappear down the bottom, but the hint, map, everything disappeared down the bottom, reappearing when you move the cursor down, so the entire screen was the game. I LOVED that and wished all games were like that.
I don't really think the CE is worth it as the bonus is quite short, although when I last checked the reviews no one had said exactly how short, but it's supposed to be really interesting, showing you how it all began, which I agree would be interesting, considering what the game's all about. I also don't think the collectibles are worth it - you just find $1 notes fluttering in the wind, or lying about - but you can use them in the Gift Shop to purchase things to dress up the scarecrow (that was pretty lame) but you can also buy postcards there, which are scenes from the game, which are jigsaw puzzles. They're only 30 pieces but not all that easy and they're fun. You can also watch all the cutscenes you've already seen in the game.
As I said, I don't think the CE is really worth it as the bonus is so short but, given that the bonus is supposedly really interesting and I think that finding out what happened to the town to cause it all would be interesting, I'm thinking of getting the CE. I will, of course, read more reviews before I get it but I am seriously thinking of getting the CE. It got a 4.5-star rating by All About Casual Game. At BFG as I type this it has 4.1 stars and 83% recommend it (58/70).
Tirama, I'm sorry you're having so many problems with the dentist and the weather! I hope both your and Tiffany's teeth are okay. I also hope the weather settles down for poor Tiffany. I hope you're and having some sweet dreams.
Meg, so happy to see you back, alive and well! I'm also really happy Tessa's doing so well.
So, how's married life treating you? Do you feel any different? How's hubbie settling in?
As I posted recently, I loved both Bluebeard's Castle games!
Sorry you weren't feeling well stusue. I was wondering where you were. You leave next week? Yikes! You must like winter. Congrats on the coupons from GAMEHOUSE! I'll have to try MORGIANA and SECRETS OF THE DARK.
Horrible internet here. I finished Dark Cases Blood Ruby. I'm soooo glad it had a transporter map because it had an awful lot of back and forthing. The map also has the ! where there is something to do. I ended up using the map for everything because I played the game over such a long span of time. I did manage to remember the story, though, it was pretty good. The HOs had a few special silhouette items that were ;used on the special list items; they were pretty easy. There were a good amount of puzzles, running the gamut from very easy to hard. Example of a too easy puzzle... 3 manniquins named Ruby, Ebony, and Snow. 3 tiaras, earrings, and necklaces, in red, black, and white. Gee, can you manage to figure out which colored jewelry goes with each lady? On the other hand, there were a few I almost skipped, but I hung in there and solved them. I would give it a B, I guess, 3 1/2 to 4 stars.
I just can't figure out why Gameswolf has such a problem with PondProwler starting those threads. You'd think they would be automatically generated, even just a generic post that the mods could modify when they got to work, but since they're not, I'm glad somebody bothers to do it everyday, and I don't give a fig who does it. It always saddens me when someone mentions CCC and other people ask what it is.
stusue wrote:
Tirama, I'm sorry you're having so many problems with the dentist and the weather! I hope both your and Tiffany's teeth are okay. I also hope the weather settles down for poor Tiffany. I hope you're and having some sweet dreams.
Tiffany's teeth are fine now, I'm going on Wednesday to get my permanent crowns, DH has now started dental work. Two teeth pulled, the dentist was having the day from hell and was backed up 1 hour, then the appointment before DH had two abscesses and backed things up even further. We were there 3 hours. Luckily I had my iPad with me. Played a lot of Mahjong Towers.
Today was first day without thunderstorms in more than a week. Took a 3 hour nap and feel much better.
Just checked and there's an update for Midnight Castle. Just in time. I don't think I could have played another hidden object scene just because it was there.
Did I miss something? Are you going back to Australia?