Finish Your Games Challenge

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Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » June 25, 2016 1:12 pm

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I just thought I'd pop in to mention that the Steam summer sale started this week. They don't have a huge selection of casual games from big companies (although they have a lot of casual indie games). Their normal prices are high, but if you can get a sale price of 80-95% off, it's sometimes a great deal.

As an example: a bunch of games in the 12 Labors of Hercules road builder series are on sale for 83-90% off,  $0.49 or $0.50 a piece. Here's a link to all the games by that publisher: There are some HO games from them as well (which I don't play, so I'm not familiar with if they're good or not): Frankenstein: Master of Death, Dracula Legacy, Sinister City.

I'm not sure I'll be buying anything this time around, but I wanted to share this for anyone who does use Steam and hadn't heard about the sale.


Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » June 2, 2016 6:17 pm

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stusue wrote:

Moin moin, Mädels!     I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!  

I've finally rejoined the electronic world!  With computer, monitor and internet problems, as well as my usual health issues in the heat we've been having, I've been offline for quite a while now.  I tried to post here a few times before everything really went belly up but my monitor and internet were really starting to play up and I lost them before I could post them.  Then everything seemed to shut down altogether.  I'm still trying to get everything fixed that isn't working properly or has died, but at least I'm back online again!

But I tell you what, I sure had a lot more time on my hands!  I managed to get some of the boxes unpacked that arrived from Australia.  And I actually read some books!  And watched some TV.  And actually had more time to play games that I'd downloaded before I lost the connection. 

And I've also been playing some games on my Kindle Fire, which has been fun.  I've downloaded heaps of games but never had the time to play them, as if I had the time and energy I'd be playing one of my PC games.  One especially was amazing!!!! if anyone has an Android tablet.  It's called Monument Valley, it's free, and it's one of the most amazing games I've ever played!  If any of you know any of the Escher prints, it's a 3D Escher world in which the heroine has to make her way through scene after scene, solving physical puzzles like working out where to go to turn a lever of something to open a door to go through to change something else, etc.  There's even one where she has to keep walking a certain way so that she ends up on the outside, or underside, or whatever to do something.  And it's free!  And there are 2 sequels that are also free (although I haven't played them yet).  I can't recommend it highly enough!  It's very short but the experience

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » May 29, 2016 11:38 am

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WendyDarling wrote:

I just downloaded the Virtual Villagers series, anybody ever played those?   Are they the ones where the game keeps going while  you're not playing and your guys die?  If so, with my upcoming schedule I might be accused of genocide.

Wendy - it was a while ago you posted this, but did you ever end up trying any of the Virtual Villagers games?

I've played a few of them and find them really enjoyable. It's a totally different mindset playing 'real-time games'. 

If I remember correctly, there are three time settings: fast, slow, and paused. I tended to have it play on the fastest speed when I was actively on my computer, checking in on it frequently. Slow when I'm home but not actively using my computer and could check on it now and again. When I'm out of the house or going to sleep I always paused it. Ideally, you have everything set up so they harvest enough food as well as make progress toward solving the mysteries/puzzles without needing much of your guidance. That said, I've definitely accidentally killed whole groups of villagers more than once through inattention. 

I really like how they're both relaxed and a little challenging. You don't always know what to do, but I could almost always direct my villagers to do something that would eventually make progress toward the goal of solving the mystery. I also liked the collectibles that show up in certain areas, like shells, butterflies, pebbles. So sometimes I'd just scroll around the screen looking for those in between checking on my villagers. 

I could see it wouldn't appeal to everyone, but it's a really fun series for me. I also really love Plant Tycoon by the same developers. It's one of my favorite games for reasons I can't really articulate.

There's something zen and puzzle-y about that whole genre of games.

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » May 29, 2016 10:58 am

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Hi all. I hadn't realized it's been so long since I last posted. I've been dropping in from time to time to read about what everyone's playing, but I kept getting pulled away from my computer before I have time to post. 

Anyway, I've been continuing to play old trials to clear out my trials folder. Here's the next few I tried: 

Island Tribe 3 - Was My Kingdom for the Princess the first of these type of road building time management games? I remember enjoying that one way back. I like this type of game OK, but I do like for there to be some kind of twist on the genre. This one felt like a little too much of a clone to me - it was fine, but I didn't feel the pull to play it more after the trial ended. I could see maybe playing it if I get Funpass or renew Shockwave Unlimited some day. 

Westward - I thought this was kind of a weird game, that took a little work to figure out how to play. Once I got the hang of it, I liked the exploration, resource management, and quests. I was definitely enjoying it by the end of the trial. Added to wish list. 

Leah's Tale - Casual old-school RPG. Started off pretty slow, and I only got to a little of the combat by the time the trial was up. Storyline didn't interest me too much. It has kind of a pretty, soothing pastel palette, which was nice I guess. Just didn't really click with me, even though I sometimes like this type of game. Full game might be better than a limited trial. 

I've also been playing some other casual games, but not the type on BFG/GH:

You Must Build a Boat is a mix of adventure and M3, where you have an old-school pixelated character running at a constant pace through a dungeon/labyrinth. The figure encounters monsters, treasure chests, etc. and you have to match either weapons or keys to get past them. There are also shields, crates with special items and more to match. Quite a challenging game, but you get to keep level up points even if you don't accomplish your goals each

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » March 9, 2016 11:53 am

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I have a whole bunch of games in a trials folder - games that either people recommended and I thought sounded good or that I just thought looked good while browsing or wanted to remember to try at some point. Sometimes I would try them right away, but other times they'd just sit there as I moved on to other things. So my current project is to try being disciplined and complete the trial for each game, starting with the oldest downloaded. It's actually been really fun. We'll see how far I get before I'm lured away by all the shiny new games I hear about.
Here are the first few that I started with:
Tiny Bang Story - very nice looking point-and-click puzzle/HO game from 2011. I've heard about this for a long time and am really glad I finally gave it a try. I liked how the game threw me in without many directions or a tutorial. I enjoyed figuring out what I was supposed to do. Got through the first screen area during the 1 hr trial. I would definitely like to play more if I sign up for a subscription like Funpass and would also consider buying. 

Dark Arcana: The Carnival - HOPA with a creepy supernatural theme from 2012. Like a lot of this type of game, I found it hard while also kind of boring. Maybe if I played more of these games I wouldn't get stuck so often. I played on 'Casual,' so puzzles and HO scenes were very easy, but I still often needed hints for what to do next. Just not my type of game (but I did like the monkey).

Enlightenus - another HOPA, this one from 2009(!). I liked this one more, maybe partly because it was brighter and I love the art nouveau style.  But I think it was also because I found the gameplay of the HO scenes refreshingly different. Instead of finding matches for objects, you are figuring out which thing in the scene it makes the most sense interacting with (eg. if you have cheese, feed it to the hungry mouse). Would like to play, possibly even buy.

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » March 9, 2016 11:02 am

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lilyr wrote:

jen -- Joe, the guy who makes the CLUTTER games, is essentially a one-man development team.  And the first games came out a bit ago.  You certainly get value for your money!  CLUTTER V has 545 different puzzles!  He has a new game out (only on his site at present, but will come to BFG) that is just the sliders and jigsaws.  Those are my favorites! 

That's good to know; I'll watch for the new game. I really like the sliders minigames.

I've been enjoying playing some older games lately, but it's good to know there's still plenty coming out to look forward to.

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » March 9, 2016 10:25 am

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TiramaSue wrote:

I just finished Fantasy Mosaics 13: Unexpected Visitor.  That was the 400th game I finished since I started tracking them on Jan 1, 2012.

Wow 400 games, that's impressive! 

I more or less finished Clutter II: He Said, She Said (though I might go back and play some more of the mini games). There's something so amateurish about the production values of the Clutter games I've played, but I like them anyway because the gameplay is such a different take on the HO genre. I really admire a game that can bring something new.

I checked out the first game years ago and was really disappointed that unsolicited hints couldn't be turned off, so I never bought it. Really glad the later games don't have them. 

I know some people here have been playing the new one. I'll probably keep going in order and play Clutter IV at some point, but will definitely try Clutter V eventually.

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » March 9, 2016 10:19 am

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stusue wrote:

I've been playing Magic Haven all afternoon, after having to drag myself away from it last night to go to bed.  I LOVE it!  It's definitely DIFFERENT with different things you have to do.  I love the graphics but the boards end up very big with tiny little squares and icons.  They may start with just a few squares but, as you open the locks, they blow out into large boards.  And sometimes the boards are filled with bright candy pink and reds and you need your sunglasses so that you can see the boards!

Some levels are quite easy and only take maybe 5 mins to complete.  Others have so many things you have to do - like open locks, match feathers within 2 squares of the cloud-covered squares that have lightening to clear the storms, match keys to get rid of the monsters (2 different types so far), matching buckets of water so that their water falls down and puts out one fire each in the column below (my fav levels as it takes forever to get the buckets where you want them to put the fires out), etc. etc. etc. - that they take forever! 

Wow stusue, Magic Haven sounds amazing. Thank you for the detailed description, you really sold me on it! Looks like it's only available through GH now? I'm thinking of trying a Funpass soon(ish), and I'll definitely try that one early on.

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2016 » February 24, 2016 5:14 pm

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Hi everyone, it's been a real long time since I've posted here, and I haven't been playing games much at all. Just recently I have started having a little more time for games, and I remembered this forum and wondered how everyone was doing and what you all are playing. I skimmed through this whole 2016 thread and noted a bunch of recommendations!

There are only 3(!) games I've finished since early last year (although there are others I started and didn't finish):
Clutter III: Who Is the Void - I liked this a lot. These games have such a different feel from most other games, and I love that. I'm glad to see there's a new Clutter game out and people seem to be enjoying it. I'll definitely be checking it out eventually but first I'm going back to Clutter II, which I started sometime last year but never finished.

Hello Venice 2: New York Adventure
Heroes From the Past: Joan of Arc

One of the reasons I like to play M3s and other games that don't have a lot of reading and heavy puzzles is that I can play them kind of mindlessly while doing other things like listening to podcasts or half watching something. That's how I played both of these fairly generic M3 games. They were both fun but nothing special.

The other reason I sped through to finish both Hello Venice and Joan of Arc is that I decided to let my yearly Shockwave Unlimited membership expire. They've never had an awesome selection, but they are cheaper than other all-you-can-play subscriptions and I've been a member off-and-on for several years. Lately though, it seems like they don't have more and more of the games I check for.

I may resubscribe someday or I may check out Gamehouse Funpass at some point. But for now I'm going to try to get through some of the many games I've bought from BFG and other places and try out all the many many trials I've got in my downloads folder.
It's nice to have a little more time to play some games and to check in here! [img]

Archives » Finish your games challenge - 2014 » January 14, 2014 4:05 pm

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I'm pretty sure I remember there were some Puzzle Quest fans in here, so I just came by to mention I bought Puzzle Quest: Galactrix today for $0.99 on Steam. It's a Steam Daily Deal sale for 90% off. Here's the link for anyone interested: Looks like it'll be on sale for all of today (Tuesday) and into tomorrow.

I only played a little of it so far, but it's basically a sci-fi version of the original Puzzle Quest. The board is a little different, with hexagonal tiles. And a little more strategy is involved in what matches to make because the tiles will fall based on the direction of the match you make. Puzzle Quest 1 and 2 are among my favorite games. I'll be interested to see how this differs and whether or not it lives up to the other two.

I just noticed Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords is also on sale for $0.99. This looks to be the same game as Puzzle Quest 2, but I didn't check to be sure.

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